Lymphoma - Kebbekus Flashcards
What is important to examine when thinking about a lymphoma diagnosis?
Physical exam check all lymph node chains B symptoms Weight loss (>10%) Drenching night sweats Fever (don't make sense) CBC with differential Metabolic panel LDH HIV testing Uric acid (purines from killed cells) prevent kidney disease Excisional biopsy If cancer is the issue, tissue is the answer Bone marrow Flow cytometry Staging imaging (CT/PET)
What characterizes Hodgkin’s Lymphoma?
Malignant cell = Reed-Sternberg cell Now recognized as a B-cell origin some are CD20+ Bulk of the tumor is reactive tissue Spreads contiguously from node to node
What are the symptoms of Hodgkins’ Lymphoma?
Enlarging, rubbery, but not tender lymphadenopathy typically in neck or chest Accompanied by: fatigue feverB weight lossB night sweatsB Pain with EtOH Symptoms of cytopenias Hepatosplenomegaly
How common is Hodgkin’s Lymphoma?
Rare cancer
Common in young people with cancer
1 in 5 types of cancer for young people
What is the best chemotherapy treatment for Hodgkin’s Lymphoma?
ABVD Adriamycin (cardiotoxicity) Bleomycin (lung toxicity) Vinblastine (numbess) Dacarbazine
What are the stages of Lymphomas?
Ann Arbor Staging I: single lymph node region II: One side of diaphragm III: Both sides of diaphragm IV: Disseminated effusions liver & spleen bone marrow
How is localized favorable risk HL disease treated with the intent to cure?
ABVD x2 (restage) Involved field radiation
How is Stage III/IV HL Disease treated?
Autologous transplant
What are the late effects of chemotherapy in HL?
Second malignancy
Heart disease (MI, CAD)
Lung disease
Impaired fertility
What markers do you look for in Lymphoma?
What sytem do you use to classify Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma?
IPI Scoring System score 0-5 0-1 = cure 2 = cure most 3-5 = cure about half Prognostic factor: Age over 60 Stage III/IV ECOG PS 3 or 4 (more than ½ day resting) level of physical health Elevated LDH Two or more extranodal sites
What characterizes Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma?
Prototype aggressive NHL
Accounts for 40% of lymphomas
Average age of onset is 67
75.3% of cases are above the age of 55
If left untreated it is quickly fatal
Treated with CHOP (more intense regimens have not been shown to improve overall survival, 1993)
The addition of rituximab (anti-CD20) in 1997 was a difference maker: R-CHOP
What translocation is associated with Follicular Lymphoma?
Bcl-2 is translocated to chromosome 14
comes under control of IgH enhancer which leads to overexpression of BCL-2
Is follicular lymphoma cureable?
Typically (over 80%!) advanced stage at presentation
Often asymptomatic
FL not curable with chemotherapy
Most common indolent NHL
What is the survival rate in Follicular Lymphoma?
Stage I-II 50% long term (10-20 yrs) disease free survival with radiotherapy alone (?cure?) Stage III-IV Remission rate 70-85% with chemo 50-70% with rituximab 70-90% with chemo + rituximab Cure rate 0% Median survival 10-12 years, longer in younger pts
What kind of lymphoma expresses cyclinD1?
Mantle Cell Lymphoma
What is MALT Lymphoma associated with?
H. pylori
eradicate infection first (often cures MALT Lymphoma)
What type of lymphoma do solid organ transplant patients get?
Post-transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorder
poly-clonal, expansion of B-cells
The suppression of T-cells (immunosuppressives to prevent organ rejection) leads to a loss of suppression of B-cell proliferation
What are the general principles of T-cell lymphomas?
Not curable
Frequently relapse, but systemic involvement is uncommon
Treatment is UV light, radiation, topical or systemic
CHOP is first line treatment
If CD 30+, then brentuximab vedotin as targeted therapy