Lymphatics of head and neck Flashcards
Describe the superficial and deep lymph nodes
Superficial drain from the head and scalp and neck to the superficial ring of lymph nodes at the junction of the head and neck
Deep cervical lymph nodes give rise to deep lymphatic vessels.
Form right and left jugular lymphatic trunks
Left – joins the thoracic duct at the root of the neck
Right – empties into the right thoracic duct at the root of the neck
Superficial nodes drain into deep lymph nodes.
Organized in a vertical chain
Describe the Occipital, Mastoid and Pre -auricular
Occipital – collect lymph from scalp
Mastoid – Collect lymph from the external acoustic
meatus, posterior neck
Pre- auricular – collect lymph from face and temporal region.
Parotid- Collect lymph from the nose, nasal canal, EAM, tympanic cavity and lateral borders of the orbit.
Describe the submental, submandibular and facial, superficial and cervical
Submental – lower lip ,mouth and apex of the tongue
Submandibular – Cheeks, lateral aspect of nose, upper lip, gums and anterior tongue.
Facial- Mucous membranes of cheek, nose, eyelids, conjuctiva.
Superficial and Cervical - The anterior nodes lie close to the anterior jugular vein and collect lymph fromthe superficial surfaces of the anterior neck. The posterior lateral nodes lie close to the external jugular vein and collect lymph fromsuperficial surfacesof the neck.
Describe the Deep lymph nodes
The nodes can be divided into superior and inferior deep cervical lymph nodes. They are numerous in number, but include the prelaryngeal, pretracheal, paratracheal, retropharyngeal, infrahyoid, jugulodigastric (tonsilar), jugulo-omohyoid and supraclavicular nodes.
What is Waldeyers tonsillar ring?
Waldeyer’s tonsillar ringrefers to the collection of lymphatic tissue surrounding the superior pharynx.This lymphatic tissue responds to pathogens that may be ingested or inhaled
Lingual, Palatine, Tubal, pharyngeal.