Lupus Flashcards
definition of systemic lupus erythematosus
a systemic autoimmune disease characterized by the production of antibodies to the components of a cell nucleus in association with protean clinical manifestations
criteria for SLE
> 4 criteria fulfilled. Must have at least one clinical and one lab OR biopsy proven lupus nephritis with positive ANA or anti-DNA
clinical criteria for SLE
malar rash, discoid rash, oral/nasal ulcers, non-scarring alopecia, arthritis, serositis, renal, neurologic, hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, leucopenia
immunologic criteria for SLE
ANA (anti nuclear antibody), anti-dsDNA, Anti-Smith, anti phospholipid antibodies, low complement levels (C3,4), positive direct coombs test
malar rash
acute cutaneous lupus, butterfly rash die to photosensitivity. Cheeks and nose. Non-scarring.
Discoid lupus
chronic cutaneous lupus, red raised disc shaped patches. can be anywhere on body. scarring.
alopecia in lupus
diffuse thinning or hair fragility with visible broken hairs, in the absence of other causes
arthritis in lupus
tends to be non-erosive (jacoud’s: erosion of MC heads and ulnar deviation)
serositis in lupus
inflammation around the lining of the lung or heart that causes chest pain when taking a deep breath. Lung=pleuritis, heart=pericarditis
nephritis in lupus
protein in urine (>500mg/24hrs) &/or red cell casts
red cell casts
red cells from the glomerulus of the kidney surrounded by a proteinacious matrix, indicative of inflammation and damage to the kidney
neurologic symptoms of lupus
seizures, psychosis, myelitis (cerebritis)
hematologic symptoms of lupus
hemolytic anemia (coombs positive), leukopenia or lymphopenia, thrombocytopenia
lupus epidemiology
females:male=15:1, can present at any age. children/men tend to be more severe, uncommon in europeans/africans,
why are women more affected by lupus?
X chromosome may contribute? pregnant lupus patients have less of an estrogen/progesterone surge during late trimesters, UNKNOWN
genetics of lupus
cumulative effect of several genes is necessary, very heterogenous