Lungs Flashcards
Parietal pleura lines what
lines the pulmonary cavity
Visceral pleura innervation
visceral sensation, accompanies sympathetics
Parietal pluera nerve innervation (2)
somatic sensation
• Intercostal nerves
• Phrenic nerve
If the parietal pleura is irritated in the indicated location, where will referred pain be centralized?
Segments are relevant for: (2)
• Understanding blood supply,
ventilation, lymphatic drainage
• Managing infection, cancer
- Pulmonary trunk splits into
right and left pulmonary
-> lobar arteries -> segmental arteries
Left atrium, where the
pulmonary veins drain
Segmental veins ______
into ______, converge
into _______
converge into lobar veins
into pulmonary veins
Vagus nerve (CN X) passes where to the lungs
post to root of the lung
Parasympathetic innervation of vagus nerve (3)
Vagus nerve (CN X) Passes posterior to root of the lung • Bronchoconstrictor • Vasodilator • Secretomotor
Sympathetic innervation of lungs from what levels
Sympathetic innervation of lungs from what levels
C2 Dermatome area
lateral neck and ear
C3 Dermatome covers
half of neck-just below the chin
C4 dermatome covers
Lower neck to the clavicle and from the thyroid tot the deltoid ish
C5 Dermatome area
From manubrium to wrist
C6 dermatome
The upper most part of the shoulder, arm, forearm, and thumb!
Which dermatome covers the thumb?
C6-which does all the way to the deltoid area
T1 Dermatome covers what
Pec region to wrist
Dermatome which covers pointer and middle fingers
Dermatome which covers ring finger and pinky as well as___
C8-also tricep region
Pnuemothorax- caused by?
Collapsed lung-often subsequent to injury of the thoracic wall, can be spontaneous too
Usually subsequent to injury of a thoracic blood vessel
Usually subsequent to injury of a thoracic blood vessel
Collapsed lung-often subsequent to injury of the thoracic wall, can be spontaneous too