LUNG PATTERNS fixed Flashcards
Lung Damp Phlegm
S & Sx
Cough, profuse white sputum which is easy to expectorate, sticky sputum
fullness & stuffiness in the chest feeling “clossed - up” gurgling with sputum in the throast
shortness of breath or asthma
dislike of lying down, orthopnea in sever cases
white pasty complextion
T:white sticky coating
P: rolling
Lung Damp Phlegm
Rectify Qi,
dispel and transform phlegm,
calm panting and stop cough
LU 5 - he sea, water point, clears heat from lung; decends rebellious qi; regulates water passages
LU 7 promotes decending function of lung; pacifies wind & phlegm; benefits head & neck (nape); regulates waterways;
LU 1 front mu of LU; mtg point of LU & SP; transforms phlegm, clears heat regulates water passages; descends lung qi alleviates cough & wheezing
REN 17 regulates qi & unbinds chest; decends rebellion of lung & ST;
ST 40 transforms phlegm & dampness; benefits chest; clears phlegm from the lung & alleviates cough & wheezing;
PC 6 unbinds chest & regulates qi;
REN 22 descends rebellious qi & alleviates cough & wheezing; benefits throat & voice
REN 12 harmonizes the middle jiao & descends rebellion; regulates qi & alleviates pain; tonifies ST & SP
REN 9 regulates the water passages & treats edema
UB 20 back shu of the Sp; tonifies splen qi & yang; resolves dampness; regulates and harmonises the qi of the middle jiao
UB 13 back shu of lung; tonifies Lung qi & nourishes lung yin descends & disseminates lung qi; clears heat from the lung, releases the exterior
Lung Damp Phlegn
(also knows as Phlegm Dampness Obstructing the Lung)
Phlegm damp obstructs Lu Qi causing Qi stagnation and
counterflow Wind Cold fettering Lung Qi
SP Qi vacuity leads to dampness that accumulates in Lung
Lung not depurating and descending (for any reason)
Lung Dryness
Etiology: Traditionally occurring in autumn, but in modern times can be caused by indoor dryness due to heating and cooling systems
Heat Evil can damage fluids and transform into Dryness evil
The Lung desires moisture and dryness damages fluids needed and inhibits Lung Qi
Lung Dryness
S & SX
dry cough, dry skin, dry throat, dry mouth
hourse voice
t: dry
p: empty especially on the right front position
Lung Dryness
Clear Lung and Moisten Dryness
LU 9 tonifies lung
REN 4 fortifies original qi & benefits esscence ????
KD 6 benefits the throat (dry throat plumpit qi); nourishes the KD and clears deficiency heat ????
SP 6 ??????
REN 12 ???????
Lung Phlegm Fluids
Cough, breathlesness, cough may be elicited by a scare
vomiting of white watery frothy sputum
splaching sound in the chest (you can hear it)
t: pale body
thick sticky whit coating
P thready & rolling soft
Lung PHlegm fluid (rheum?)
Warm Lung, Transform fluids
LU 5 clears heat from the lung & descends rebellious qi; regulates the water passages; activates the water passages; activates the channel; relaxes the sinews & alleviates pain; he sea & water point of lungs
LU 9 tonifies lund & transforms phlegm; promotes the descending function of the lung; regulates & harmonises the vessels; activates the channel & alleviates pain; shu stream, yuan source & earth point of lung channel
REN 17 regulates qi & unbinds the chest; descends rebellion of lung & stomach; benefits gathering qi
UB 13 back shu of Lung; tonfies lung qi & nourishes lung yin; descends & disseminates lung qi; clears heat from the lung; releases the exterior
ST 40 transforms phlegm & dampness; benefits the chest; clears phlegm from the lung & alleviates cough & wheezing; clears phlegm from the heart & calms spirit; activates the hannel & alleviates pain
UB 43 tonifies & nourishes lung (ht, kd, sp & st); nourishes yin & clear het; calms spirit; foster original qi; resolves phlegm
REN 12 harmonises the middle jiao & descends rebellion ; tregulates qi & alleviates pain (front mu of ST)
ST 36 resolves damp supports correct qi & fosters original qi; clears fire; (he sea)???
REN 9 regulates water passages & treat edema; harmonises intestines dispells accumulation
LUNG PHLEGM heat etiology
(also known as Phlegm Heat Congesting the Lung)
Like Phlegm Damp pattern but with heat,
tends to be more chronic/long term.
Phlegm Cold Damp transforms into heat Wind heat lingers and settles in Lung SP Qi vacuity (dampness) and
Qi stagnation (heat) Phlegm heat can also obstruct SP causing SP vacuity Heat can dry fluids leading to Yin vacuity
Lung Phlegm Heat
S & SX
Cough, asthmatic & course breathing,
Yellow, thick sputum or expectoration of four smelling bloddy, pus,
SOB, chest pain on coughing, flapping of ala nasi in severe cases
dryness of the mouth
yellow urine, constipation
t: red yellow-sticky coating
P: rolling & rapid
Lung phlegm heat
Resolve phlegm, clear heat, descend Lu QI
LU 5 clears heat from lungs & descends rebellious qi; regulates the water passages; activates channel, relaxes the sinews & alleviates pain; HE SEA WATER POINT
LU 7 releases exterior & expels wind; promotes the descending function of the lung; pacifies wind & phlegm; benefits head & nape; opens & regulates the REN; regulates the water passages; activates channel; command of head & neck/nape; luo,
LU 10 benefits the throat; clears lung heat; descends rebellious qi, harmonises the ST & HT; ying spring & fire point
LI 11 clears heat; cools the blood, eliminates wind, drains damp & alleviates itching, regulates qi & blood activates channel, he sea , earth point,
LU 1 dissemates & descends lung qi & alleviates cough & wheezing, tranforms phlegm, clears heat & regulates the water passages, descend ST qi; from mu of lung mtg point of LU & SP
UB 13
REN 12
ST 40
Lung Qi Vacuity
S & SX
Feeble cough
SOB worse upon exhertion;
Coughing thin phlegm/sputum and thin clear runny nasal discharge
lack of desire to talk; low feeble voice
Physical weakness, lassitude
Easiliy catches cold, Aversion to wind
Spontaneous sweating
bright white complexion
T: pale, thin white coating
P: weak, deficient
Lung Qi Vacuity
Repeated or chronic impairment of the Lungs General Qi vacuity can damage Lungs
Lung Qi Vacuity
Use the following points
LU 9: Tonifies the lung; is the shu stream and the yuan source and earth point
LU 7: activates the channel; regulate the water passages Luo Connecting point; promotes descending function of lung
Ren 6: Tonifies Qi regulates Qi; called the sea of qi
UB 13: Back Shu of Lung; tonifies lung qi; descends & disseminates lung qi; releases the exterior
ST 36: Tonifies QI; He sea; earth point