Lumbopelvic Exam Flashcards
Where are ID blockers?
up and out of the way of anatomy
Where should the side markers be (generally)?
within collimation, but not in the way of anatomy
What are the breathing instructions for all views?
exhale and hold
What does expiration do to the diaphragm?
elevates it
what is the general flow of a setup for lumbopelvic views?
set SID align cassette in bucky measure for all set-ups in the series set control panel apply gonad shield (if needed) position patient center CR, part and cassette
the center of the “lumbopelvic” area is ___the iliac crest
the center of the lumbar spine is ____the iliac crest
where do you measure for AP lumbopelvic?
A-P at the thickest part the abdomen
when do you apply a gonad shield?
for AP lumbopelvic and full spine only
film size for APLP?
collimation for APLP?
central ray for APLP goes where for females?
1” below the crest
central ray for APLP goes where for males?
2” below the crest
what should be included in the APLP?
L1-ischial tuberosities, bottom of collimation light just below greater trochanters
top of light 1” below xyphoid
if you cannot get all the anatomy on an APLP, what should you do?
ALWAYS get the ischial tuberosities
the lumbars that got cut off can be spot shot
where should the anatomical marker be for APLP?
mid-film, along edge of collimation
gonad shielding for APLP
males: tip of shield should be just below the pubic arch (1 1/2” below top of symphysis)
females: tip of heart should be just above the pubic symphysis, position widest part just medial and inferior to the ASIS
what should you look for in an APLP?
symmetry of iliac wings and obturator foramina
where should you measure for a lateral lumbar?
right to left, rest calipers on iliac crest
where is the CR located for a lateral llumbar?
1” above the crest and midway between ASIS and PSIS (on midaxillary line)
film size for lateral lumbar?
collimation for lateral lumbar?
If the patient has a lateral curve, what should you do for their lateral lumbar?
place the convexity next to the bucky
for lateral lumbar, what do you do with females patients with hips larger than the waist?
add a filter down to the crest