Lumbar symptom presentation Flashcards
Presentation of ANR
History of low back pain Leg symptoms never went away completely Sitting not an issue Walking makes it feel better Sharp pain in leg when bending forward
Pain asymmetrical or symmetrical Pain is localized Episodes of pain Time between episodes will decrease if not treated
Presentation of herniated disk in lumbar
Pain on unilateral or symmetrical side Worse with flexion Mornings and evenings worse Periods of no pain
Presentation of lumbar radiculopathy
Pain across the back Progresses down the leg Constant or intermittent Paresthesia starts suddenly Worse in certain positions or activities
Bain across back Painful “catching” feeling Flexion feels better than extension Getting into and out of positions is painful Feel weak Difficulty standing straight up
Presentation of ANR
History of low back pain Leg symptoms never went away completely Sitting not an issue Walking makes it feel better Sharp pain in leg when bending forward
Lumbar stenosis
Stiffness in back Pain goes down one or both leg Pain with walking or extension Pain gets better with sitting
Stiffness in back Pain goes down one or both leg Pain with walking or extension Pain gets better with sitting
Lumbar stenosis
Pain usually asymmetrical Localized pain Most cases are insidious Trauma can be the cause Ok in stationary position Extending or SB is problematic
History of low back pain Leg symptoms never went away completely Sitting not an issue Walking makes it feel better Sharp pain in leg when bending forward
Presentation of ANR
Pain across the back Progresses down the leg Constant or intermittent Paresthesia starts suddenly Worse in certain positions or activities
Presentation of lumbar radiculopathy
History of low back pain Leg symptoms never went away completely Sitting not an issue Walking makes it feel better Sharp pain in leg when bending forward
Presentation of ANR
Pain asymmetrical or symmetrical Pain is localized Episodes of pain Time between episodes will decrease if not treated
Pain on unilateral or symmetrical side Worse with flexion Mornings and evenings worse Periods of no pain
Presentation of herniated disk in lumbar
Pain usually asymmetrical Localized pain Most cases are insidious Trauma can be the cause Ok in stationary position Extending or SB is problematic
Bain across back Painful “catching” feeling Flexion feels better than extension Getting into and out of positions is painful Feel weak Difficulty standing straight up