LSVI_Lasallian Core Values 2 Flashcards
I allows us to discover God’s active presence in his word, in men and women in the poor, in nature, in history and in ourselves.
Spirit of Faith
It is oriented towards the integral salvation of persons, particularly the poor and the excluded
Zeal for Service
It is our relationship with God, who is the source of all mission and ministry
Communion in Mission
It suggests the unity that comes through reconciliation between God, human beings and Creation
Communion in Mission
It involves a preferential concern for the poor and the vulnerable
Zeal for Service
It suggests openness to all persons and the desire to be brother and sister to all especially those in need
Communion in Mission
It is the active expression of Faith in Gospel witness
Zeal for Service
It allows us to trust in God’s loving presence and providence when acting or discerning God’s will
Spirit of Faith
We are compassionate individuals
Communion in Mission
We are committed to Excellence
Zeal for Service
It allows us to judge and evaluate things in the light of the Gospel
Spirit of Faith
Being competent, we demonstrate skillfulness in the area of giftedness
Zeal for Service
It suggests the solidarity and collaboration that comes from showing in one vision, one spirit, one mission
Communion in Mission
It manifests other qualities that show care for the marginalized
Zeal for Service
Courteous in relating with the faculty and staff, shows proper behavior during prayers
Spirit of Faith
and participates meaningfully in recollection and outreach programs
Spirit of Faith
I will continue Oh my God to do all my actions for the love of you
Communion in Mission
Live Jesus on our hearts, forever
Communion in Mission
Let us remember that we are in the presence of God
Spirit of Faith
Communion in Mission