LSVI_Lasallian Core Values Flashcards
Belief in Mysteries
3 Dimension of Faith
- Doctrine
- Morality
- Worship
Faith is knowledge; absolute certainty
Faith is morally demanding, incomplete unless it leads to active love
Faith grows when we listen more and more carefully to God’s word and enter a lively exchange with him in prayer; faith gives us a foretaste of the joy of heaven
Flows from a relationship of communication with the Triune God who wills to save all people.
The Spirit of Faith
____ God’s active presence in his word, in men and women, in the poor, in nature, in history, and in ourselves;
____ and ____ things in the light of the gospel
Judge and Evaluate
____ for God’s will in order to carry out his saving plan
____ one’s actions to the on going saving action of God in the world and
____ in God’s loving presence and providence when acting or discerning God’s will.
Courteous in relating with the faculty, staff and fellow students, shows proper behavior during prayers, and participates meaningfully in recollection and outreach programs.
Christian Gentlemen and Ladies
Believe in one’s goodness; accepts limitations honestly and works to improve oneself;
Is the active expression of faith in gospel witness and service
Demonstrates skillfulness in the area of giftedness
Relates well with the needy sectors of society
Concerned for the Marginalized
Participates actively in group and class activities
Contributes to Society
4 Dimensions of Communion
- As a relationship with God
- As a way of accomplishing mission
- As a way of relating to others
- As a goal of mission
It is the source of all mission and ministry
As a relationship with God
It suggests the solidarity and collaboration that comes from sharing in one vision, one spirit, and one mission
As a way of accomplishing mission
It suggests openness to all persons and the desire to be brother or sister to all especially those in need
As a way of relating to others
It suggests the unity that comes through reconciliation between God, human beings and creation.
As a goal of mission
Understand the needs of feelings of others
Disposes the garbage properly
Cares for the Earth
He takes the initiative in group works and assignments
Future Leader
Participates respectfully during flag ceremony
Proud Filipino
10 Lasallian Core Values
- Christian Gentlemen and Ladies
- Confident
- Competent
- Committed to Excellence
- Concerned for the marginalized
- Contributes to Society
- Compassionate
- Cares for the Earth
- Future Leader
- Proud Filipino
Comes to class well-prepared
Committed to Excellence
2 Spirit of Faith
- Christian Gentlemen and Ladies
- Confident
4 Zeal for Service
- Competent
- Committed to Excellence
- Concerned for the Marginalized
- Contributes to Society
4 Communion in Mission
- Compassionate
- Cares for the Earth
- Future Leader
- Proud Filipino