LSA - Visual Signals Flashcards
How many flares in total must be kept on the bridge?
12 rocket flares, 6 handheld, 2 buoyant smoke signal.
How many pyrotechnics are required in life raft or lifeboat?
6 hand flares, 4 rocket parachute and 2 smoke float for SOLAS Pack A, half the amount for Pack B.
Other than Pyrotechnics what is the difference of Solas Pack A and B?
Pack B contains no water, food or fishing equipment.
What is the period of validity of ship’s pyrotechnics?
3 years
What trajectory shall a rocket flare reach?
An altitude of not less than 300m
What colour must the rocket parachute flare be when burning?
Burn bright red
What are the burn characteristics of the rocket parachute flare once activated?
Burn uniformly, luminous intensity of not less than 30,000cd
What is the burning period required for the rocket parachute flare?
Burn period not less than 40s
What is the rate of descent required for the rocket parachute flare?
Rate of descent 5m/s or less
What casing must the hand flare be contained in?
A waterproof casing.
What must the hand flare be designed for?
To have a self-contained means of ignition and not cause discomfort to the user.
What burning characteristics must the hand flare possess?
To be bright red in colour and burn uniformly with average luminous intensity of not less than 15000cd for not less than 1 minute. It also will continue to burn after being immersed under 100mm of water for 10s.
What colour characteristics and period of time must the buoyant smoke signal operate for when activated?
Must be highly visible and emit smoke at a uniform rate for not less than 3 minutes in calm water. Must not emit any flame during the emission of smoke.
What other characteristics must it hold?
To not be swamped in a sea way and still emit smoke when submerged at 100mm for a period of 10 seconds.
How many line throwing apparatus are to be kept on the bridge and what is their minimum trajectory?
Minimum 4 LTA and 230m trajectory.