Colregs Flashcards
What does rule 10 apply to?
Traffic separation schemes adopted by the organisation and does not relieve any vessel of her obligation under another rule.
What shall a vessel in the vicinity of a traffic separation scheme do?
Proceed in the appropriate traffic lane and direction of traffic.
Keep clear of the traffic separation line or separation zone.
Normally join or leave at the termination point, other than when joining but when required to do so proceed at a small an angle to direction of traffic.
Avoid crossing but when required do so at 90 degrees.
Not use the inshore traffic zone, however vessels less than 20m, sailing vessels and fishing may do so.
Although a vessel may use inshore traffic zone when en route to port, offshore installation or structure, pilot station or any other place situated within the inshore zone or to avoid immediate danger.
A vessel other than a crossing vessel or vessel joining or leaving the lane should not enter separation zone or cross seperation line except in a case of emergency or to engage in fishing.
If navigating in areas near to terminations of TSS do so with particular caution.
So far as practicable avoid anchoring in or near its termination points.
A vessel not using the TSS shall avoid it by a wide a margin as possible.
A vessel engaged in fishing shall not impede the safe passage of a power driven vessel following a traffic separation scheme.
A vessel of less than 20m or sailing vessel shall not impede the safe passage of a PDV following a traffic lane
How does rule 10 apply to vessels RAM?
A RAM when engaged in operations in relation to maintenance of safety navigation is exempt. Or for the laying, servicing or picking up of a submarine cable.
What are the 12 things to be taken into account when determining safe speed as per Rule 6?
For all vessels: Visibility Traffic Manoeuvrability Presence of background light Wind, sea state and current Draught in relation to available depth of water
For vessels with radar:
Characteristics, efficiency and limitations of radar
Constraints imposed by radar scales
Weather, sea state and any other possible radar interference
Presence of small vessels/ice
Number, location and manoeuvrability of vessels in the area
A more exact assessment of the visibility in regard to vessels/objects in the area
What are the responsibilities between vessels as per Rule 18?
A PDV shall keep out of the way of: NUC RAM Fishing Sailing
A sailing vessel shall keep out of the way of:
A fishing vessel shall keep out of way of:
Any vessel other than NUC or RAM shall if the circumstances of the case admit avoid impeding the passage of a vessel CBD.
What does Rule 19 apply to?
Vessels that are not in sight of one another.
Vessels that are in or near an area of restricted visibility.
What is restricted visibility?
As per rule 3 restricted visibility is defined as any condition in which visibility is restricted by fog, mist, falling snow, rain storms etc.
What must all vessels do when operating in restricted visibility?
Proceed at a safe speed.
Have engines ready for immediate manoeuvre.
Why is it important to proceed at a reduced speed in restricted visibility?
To allow for more time to asses the situation.
How does rule 19 integrate with Section I - Conduct in any visibility?
For example as per rule 8 any alteration of course and or speed shall be readily to another vessel observing visually or by radar. This highlights the importance of adhering to the rules as in restricted visibility, any alteration will only be visible via radar.
What must every vessel do upon detecting another vessel in restricted visibility?
When detected by radar alone the vessel should establish if a close quarters situation or risk of collision exists. If this does exist.
Avoid an alteration of course to port for a vessel forward of the beam.
Avoid an alteration of course towards a vessel abeam or abaft the beam.
What rules are covered per section in COLREGS?
Part A: General
Part B:
Section 1: Steering and Sailing rules (4-10)
Section 2: Steering and Sailing rules (11-18)
Section 3: Steering and Sailing rules (19)
Part C: Lights and Shapes
Part D: Sound and Light Signals
Part E: Exemptions
Which vessels can be determined to be making way/not making way?
NUC, Trawling, Fishing, RAM (other)
Which vessels can length not be determined from lights shown?
Sailing Vessel, Fishing, NUC
At what duration should a short blast/long blast signal be sounded.
Short blast = about 1 second, Long blast = 4-6 seconds
What equipment is required for sound signals?
A vessel of 12 metres or more shall be fitted with a whistle.
A vessel of 20 metres or more shall in addition be provided with a bell.
A vessel of 100 metres or more in length shall in addition be provided with a gong of which the tone and sound cannot be confused with the bell.
A vessel of less than 12 metres is not obliged to carry this equipment but must be provided with efficient sound signalling apparatus.
What signals must a vessel produce when manoeuvring.
One short blast - alter course to starboard
Two short blast - alter course to port
Three short blasts - i am operating astern propulsion
Define a PDV?
Any vessel propelled by machinery is a power driven vessel.
Define the term Underway?
A vessel that is: Not at anchor Not made fast to the shore Not aground (If vessel is drifting she is underway)
As per Rule 6, every vessel shall proceed at a safe speed for the….?
As per Rule 6, every vessel shall proceed at a safe speed for the prevailing circumstances and conditions. Observance of this rule will allow for maximum time for effective action to be taken to avoid collision.
As per rule 5 a proper lookout shall be maintained by sight and by hearing and by all other available means……being?
As per Rule 34, a vessel intending to overtake shall sound which signal?
2 long + 1 short = Starboard side
2 long + 2 short = Port side
Vessel being overtaken if agree = 1 long + 1 short + 1 long + 1 short.
As per Rule 34 a vessel nearing a bend or fairway where view may be obscured shall sound which signal?
1 long blast, a vessel which hears this shall answer by sounding the same.
As per Rule 35 what sound signals shall be sounded in areas of restricted visibility.
PDV making way or Pushing/Pushed ahead vessel when a rigid unit = 1 long blast at intervals not exceeding 2 minutes.
PDV underway but stopped making no way = 2 long blasts intervals not exceeding 2 minutes with sounding interval of about 2 seconds.
NUC, RAM/RAM carrying out work at anchor, CBD, Sailing, Fishing/Fishing + anchor, Towing/Pushing = 1 long + 2 short at intervals not exceeding 2 minutes.
Vessel towed or last vessel towed = 1 Long + 3 short intervals not exceeding 2 minutes.
Vessel at anchor = Rapid ringing of the bell for 5 seconds at intervals not exceeding 1 minute.
Vessel at anchor if more than 100m = Rapid ringing of the bell for 5 seconds in for part of vessel + gong sounded rapidly for 5 seconds in the after part.
In addition vessel at anchor may sound = 1 short + 1 long + 1 short.
Vessel aground = Rapid ringing of the bell for 5 seconds at intervals not exceeding 1 minute + 3 separate distinct strokes of the bell before and after ringing.
Vessel under 20m not required to sound bell/gong but must make some other efficient sound signal intervals not exceeding 2 minutes.
Pilot vessel when engaged on pilot duty in addition to PDV rule sound 4 short blasts.
What lights/shapes must a fishing vessel display?
By night-
2 all round lights in a vertical line, the upper being red and lower white.
If gear extending more than 150m horizontally from the vessel an all round white light.
When making way sidelight + sternlight
By day-
2 cones apex’s together.
If gear extending more than 150m horizontally and single cone apex up in direction of gear.
What lights/shapes must a trawling vessel display?
By night-
2 all round lights in a vertical line, the upper being green and lower being white.
If more than 50m in length a masthead light abaft of and higher than the 2 all round lights.
When making way through the water, sidelights + sternlight.
If shooting nets 2 white lights in a vertical line.
If hauling nets 1 red light over white in a vertical line.
If nets fast upon construction, 2 red in a vertical line.
Purse seine gear 2 yellow flashing lights in a vertical line flashing alternately for periods of 1 sec.
By day-
2 cones apexes together .