L.P.G. emergencies Flashcards
definition of Additive
Products found at bulk petroleum facilities that are stored in smaller tanks and are added to gasoline or diesel fuel in small quantities.
AFFF Aqueous Film Forming Foam 1%-1.6% ranges
AR_AFFF Alcohol Resistive Film Forming Foam
Combustible liquid
Liquid having a flash point above 100*F and below 200*F
Fixed Facility Containment
Primary containment- Tanks and piping where product is contained
Secondary containment- Diked area incase of spill
Tertiary containment-Additional area where product can be contained
Definition of FPF
Fluoroprotein Foam Fluorocarbon surfactant added 3%-6%
Cathodic protection
Corrosion protection using electrical currents
Horizontal tank
Above ground tand of smaller capacity typically not more than 30,000 Gal
General Considerations for spills and fires involving class b fuels
Offensive attack mode-rescue ops can be quickly achieved
Defensive attack mode-limit overall size/spread of the problem.
Non-intervention- no immediate action other than isolating the area until the risk of intervention is reduced.
1st engine actions
initial size up, I.D. life hazards
make contact w/responsible party
perform recon of hazard area for leak spill or fire
organic compounds containing only hydrogen and carbon. found primarily in petroleum products and coal gas and diesel
Polar solvents
Products of distillation that are water soluble.
used in gasoline 55*F flashpoint. Vapor density of 1.59 gravity of .79 . auto ignites at 793*F. is conducive of electricity and an insulator. hard to see flame & smoke in higher concnetrations.transported with 5% gasoline. LEL3.3% UEL 19%
Small spills
less than 55 Gal or small leak from large container with min flow
req. resources-1 eng
Large spills
greater than 55 gal or multiple spills
req. resources-4 eng 2 specialty units 2 ems 1 batt 1 com aide 1 ems sup 1 foam task force hazmat response
Foam Task Force
2 ar foam units 1 pump and roll unit 2 eng 1 batt 1 hazmat
Tanker truck incidents
4 tactical approaches
assemble resources + extinguish fire w/class b foam
extinguish the fire with water fog when it can be done without creating enviro problems
protect adjacent exposures
Dike and dam

Loading racks
Transfer flammable and combustible liquids from the storage tanks to the appropriate platform. Capacity of tankers range from 1500-10000 gal.
Storage tanks
Tanks over 50 ft in diameter have a weak weld so the top can pop off if on fire.
Flammable Liquid
Liquid having a flash point below 100*F