Lower Respiratory Exam Flashcards
What can tracheal deviation indicate?
pleural effusion
What is a tracheal sound?
very loud and high pitched
heard equally over inspiration and expiration
heard best over trachea in neck
What is a bronchovesicular sound?
intermediate, equally in inspiration and expiration
heard best in 1st and 2nd interspaces anteriorly and btw scapulae
What does decreased/absent fremitus suggest?
pleural changes = effusions, fibrosis, air (pneumothorax), tumor
What is the pneumonic to remember for Adequacy of chest x ray?
PIER position - AP/lateral? Inspiration - should see 10-11 ribs Exposure Rotation
What can cause falsely normal or elevated oximetry reading? (4)
carboxyhemoglobin (CO poisoning)
high A1c
methemoglobin, sulfhemoglobin
ambient light
What do you palpate for on a lower thoracic exam?
areas of tenderness abnormalities in overlying skin rib motion (inhalation vs exhalation dysfunctions) thoracic expansion tactile fremitus
Where do you do needle thoracentesis?
2nd intercostal space midclavicular line (removing air) superior margin of rib
Where does the neurovascular bundle run?
along inferior margins of each rib
How do you use an incentive spirometer?
move slider to level that you want to reach
breathe out normally then put mouth on mouthpiece
take a slow deep breath in –> piston will move up as you breath in
when you can’t breath in anymore, hold your breath for 2-5 sec
How do you evaluate thoracic expansion?
place thumbs at about 10th ribs and wrap hands around
ask pt to inhale deeply –> watch distance btw thumbs as they move apart and feel for range and symmetry of rib cage
Where do you do chest tube insertion?
4th and 5th intercostal space
just anterior to the mid-axillary line (mid clavicular?)
superior margin of rib
What do pursed lips while breathing indicate?
an obstructive dx (COPD)
What does a tympanic percussion suggest?
thick abdominal percussion
What is dyspnea?
feeling short of breath
What is a vesicular sound?
soft and low pitched
heard thru inspiration and abt 1/3 of expiration
heard over most of lungs (parenchyma)
What are the pleximeter and plexor fingers?
pleximeter = hyperextended middle finger of non-dominant hand in percussion plexor = tapping finger
How should the patient be posed during chest percussion?
seated with hands crossed in front of chest, holding opposite shoulders w hands
What is traumatic flail chest?
multiple rib fractures may result in paradoxical mvnt of the thorax
on inspiration, injured area caves inward and moves out on expiration
What is a pink puffer?
seen in emphysema/COPD older and thin severe dyspnea quiet chest hyperinflation with flattened diaphragms
What is whispered pectoriloquy?
Pt whispers 99 or 123
normal = faint and indistinct or not heard at all
pectoriloquy = whispers are heard louder and clearer during auscultation
What type of percussion note does a healthy lung have?
What does stridor indicate?
partial obstruction of larynx or trachea
What can cause a bad pulse oximetry waveform?
improper placement
motion artifact
What accessory muscles for breathing are located in the neck?
How many spots do you auscultate the chest?
2 spots anterior
4 spots posterior