Hip Pain Flashcards
How do you perform labral loading?
flex pt’s knee and hip to 90 degrees, load into femur
+ = pain
indicates: labral or cartilaginous pathology
What does the patellar reflex check for?
L3/L4 nerve root
How do you perform the scour test?
flex and externally rotate pt’s hip. Load into socket and articulate through annular range of motion
+ test = pain
indicates: labral or articular cartilage pathology
How do you perform a jump sign test?
pt seated; pressure applied to greater trochanter
+ = pt withdraws or jumps w/ pressure
indicates: trochanteric bursitis
What is the test for peripheral compartment?
Rectus femoris test
How do you perform labral distraction?
flex pt’s knee to and hip to 90 degrees –> pull up
+ test = improvement of pain
indicates: labral or cartilaginous pathology
How do you perform the FABER 1 apprehension test?
pt’s hip is flexed, abducted, and externally rotated. Physician induces further external rotation by applying a posterior force at the knee
+ test = anterior subluxation of hip or apprehension/pain
indicates: labral pathology or impingement
How do you perform Patricks: FABER 3?
hip and knee flexed, ankle over knee
physician braces contralateral ASIS
pt internally rotates/adducts against resistance
+ test = anterior or medial groin pain/weakness
indicates: iliopsoas insufficiency or pathology
How do yo perform Patrick’s FABER 2?
hip and knee flexed, ankle over knee; brace contralateral ASIS
Pt externally rotates/abducts against resistance
+ test = pain or weakness
indicates: gluteus medius pathology
What is a landmare of L5 dermatome
Big toe/ first 4 toes
What is a landmark of S1 dermatome?
pinkey toe
How do you perform the rectus femoris test?
pt supine. one hip flexed up to chest. other leg over edge of table
+ test = knee flexion <90 degrees
indicates: rectus femoris contraction
How do you perform a Thomas test?
Pt supine and pulls knees to chest; one leg is lowered to the table to test the flexibility of the hip flexors
+ test = inability to fully extend, or extended leg raises off table
indicates: hip flexor contraction
How do you perform a straight leg raise test?
Pt supine. Flex pt’s hip w/ knee extended
+ = pain over lateral leg
15-30 degrees = IT band contracture
30-60 degrees = lumbosacral radiculopathy/ sciatic neuropathy
>70 = low back pain due to muscle strain or joint disease
What are the anterior/iliopsoas compartment tests?
Patricks: FABER 3
Thomas Test