Lower Body Flashcards
CSCS Technique Correction
Lower Body
Noted Incorrect Technique
Front Squat
- Arms are perpendicular instead of parallel
- Heels come off the floor
- Spotters using an underhand grip instead of a thumbs crossed grip
Back Squat
The lifter flexes the truck forward and allows the heels to come off the ground. The lifter should maintin a neutral back and high elbow position.
Romanian Dead Lift
The lifter only lowers the bar just a little bit down the thighs to just above the knees. The bar should be lowered to below the knees
The lifter extends knees before the hips in the upward movement phase. They should be extended simultaneously
Hip Sled
The lifters knees are bowed during the upward movement of the sled. The knee should remain parallel during both upward and downward phases.
Seated Leg Press
The feet are placed too low on the platform
Step Up
- The lifter pushes up with the trailing leg during th upward movement phase
- The foot is only place partially on the box
- The lifter steps off with the same leading leg instead of the trailing leg
Forward Step Lunge
The liftter takes too short of step with the lead leg and the lead knee extends past the lead foot in the lowest position
Glute Ham Raise
The lifter does not keep the upper body in line with the lead hip in the upward movement phase
Barbell hip Thrust
nothing noted
Single Leg Dumbbell Hip Thrust
nothing noted
Single Leg Pistol Squat
nothing noted
Nordic Hamstring Curl
nothing noted
Stiff Leg Dead Lift
Lifters knees are fully extended and locked out