LOT 201.22 ESF Flashcards
- LOT 201.22 ESF*
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What are the four phases of a DBA LOCA?
- *Blowdown**
- Begins with LOCA and ends with RCS pressure = CTMT pressure*
- *Refill**
- Water at bottom of the reactor vessel and reaches the bottom of the fuel rods via addition of ECCS (Accumulators and SI pumps).*
- *Reflood**
- Rx vessel filled with water*
- Core temperature rise has terminated*
- Core temperatures have been reduced to their long term steady state level.*
- *Long Term Recirculation**
- Cold Leg Recirc (1st Phase)*
- Hot Leg Recirc (2nd Phase)*
- Hot Leg Recirc starts 5.5 hrs after start of LOCA and cools upper head and prevents boron precipitation.*
- LOT 201.22 ESF*
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What will cause an SI auto recirculation signal?
SI Signal
RWST Level - Low 2 (≤ 75,000 gal)
Closes HHSI AND LHSI pump mini-flow valves.
When ≥ 1 valve for each pump closed:
- Opens containment sump → SI suction header Isolation valve.
RWST → SI suction header isolation valve must be manually closed by operator. (CP001)
- Note:*
- Reset is located on CP001*
- LOT 201.22 ESF*
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What are the ESF support systems?
ECW cooling pond
- LOT 201.22 ESF*
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What conditions must be met in order to reset the ESF DG sequencer on CP003?
Loading Sequence Complete
SI Reset
UV Cleared
- LOT 201.22 ESF*
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What is the ultimate heat sink for STP?
ECW Cooling Pond
- LOT 201.22 ESF*
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What are the Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) acceptance criteria?
- *Peak Cladding Temperature**
- ≤ 2200 ˚F*
Cladding Oxidation
≤ 17% the total cladding thickness before oxidation.
- *H2 Generation**
- ≤ 1% the total amount of H2 produced from all metal surrounding the fuel reacting*
- (excludes metal around plenum volume)*
Coolable Geometry
Long-Term cooling
- Fuel Handling Accident
- LOT 201.22 ESF*
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What are the 10CFR50.67 site criteria used for ESF evalutations? (TEDE after accident)
- Individual on boundary of exclusion zone:*
- *Following fpp release, during any 2 hr period will receive ≤ 25 rem TEDE**
- Individual on boundary of low population zone:*
- *Exposed to radiation cloud (entire passage) will receive ≤ 25 rem TEDE**
- Control Room Personnel:*
- *≤ 5 rem TEDE**
- LOT 201.22 ESF*
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What accident(s) is ESF designed to protect against?
- *LOCA**
- Double guillotine shear of cold leg*
- *Rod Ejection**
- Most reactive control rod*
- *MSL Break**
- Double ended shear of largest piping*
Fuel Handling Accident
- LOT 201.22 ESF*
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What systems make up the ESF system?
- RCS M/U:*
- *ECCS**
- HHSI, LHSI, SI, Accumulators*
- S/G M/U:*
- *Aux FW**
- Containment:*
- *Containment Isolation**
- *Containment Heat Removal**
- *Containment Combustible Gas Control**
- HVAC:*