Loss of control Flashcards
Section … of the …
S.54 of the Coroners and Justice Act 2009
Loss of control is
a sudden or temporary loss of control.
Loss of control case
No longer
no longer has to be sudden. There can now be a lapse of time. This is known as a slow burn.
‘Qualifying trigger’
Where V has done something to provoke D. Fear of serious violence or things said/done
Abuse, laughing, taunting.
D was provoked by her abusive husband
Justifiable sense of being seriously wronged. The jury must agree that it is a justifiable reason to have lost control.
Dad killed daughter because she had sex. This is not justifiable.
must be extremely grave. Where Ds mental or physical state was being seriously harmed by V or Vs actions.
girl killed bf who was allowing her to be raped multiple times.
What test is applied?
Objective test. D is compared to the ordinary, reasonable, normal person of Ds sex/age. Would they have done the same as D?
The defence will fail if there is a ‘considered desire for revenge’. Where D has contemplated killing.
The defence will fail if the case involves sexual infidelity
D killed wifes lover.
State The Law
S.54 of the Coroners and justice Act.
Sudden of temporary loss of control. Duffy.
No longer has to be sudden, there can not be a lapse of time. This is known as the slow burn.
There needs to be a ‘Qualifying Trigger’. Where V has done something to invoke or enrage D. D fears serious violence. Things said/done Ahluwalia.
It needs to be a justifiable sense of being seriously wronged. The jury must agree that it is a justifiable reason for the loss of control. Mohammed.
The circumstances must be extremely grave. Where Ds mental or physical state was being seriously harmed. Humphreys.
The Objective test is applied. D is compared to the ordinary, reasonable, normal person. Would they have done the same as D?
The defence will fail is there is a ‘considered desire for revenge. Where D has contemplated killing V.
The defence will fail if the case involves sexual infidelity. Dawes.