Morning star entering / lining up call
Morningstar Traffic, FNN, entering & lining up runway 20, after take-off left turn out to the north-east, FNN
At Altona – announce frequency change 126.8 to 124.8
Traffic in Altona area, fnn, yellow sling 2, student pilot, 5 miles south west of Altona, changing frequency 124.8mhz, fnn
Altona first call on new frequency 124.8
Traffic in Altona area, fnn, yellow sling 2, student pilot, 5 miles south west of altona, maintaining 2,000 ft, routing Wintervogel
At Wintervogel – frequency change 124.8 to 124.2
Traffic in wintervogel area, fnn, yellow sling 2, student pilot, 5 miles south west of Perdeberg, changing frequency 124.2
At Wintervogel – frequency change 124.8 to 124.2
Traffic in wintervogel area, fnn, yellow sling 2, student pilot, 5 miles south west of Perdeberg, 2,000 ft climbing 4,000 ft, routing Hermon, fnn
5 miles north of Hermon, – frequency change 124.2 to 124.8
Traffic in Hermon area, fnn, yellow sling 2, student pilot, 5 miles south of Hermon, changing frequency 124.8
5 miles north of Hermon on 124.8 – AFTER frequency change 124.2 to 124.8
Traffic in Hermon area, fnn, yellow sling 2, student pilot, 5 miles south west of Hermon, 4,000 ft climbing 5,5000 ft, routing Tulbagh, fnn
Overhead Tulbagh
Traffic in Tulbagh area, fnn, yellow sling 2, student pilot, overhead Tulbagh, maintaining 5,5000 ft, routing Montana, fnn
Overhead Montana / Wolseley
o Traffic in Montana area, fnn, yellow sling 2, student pilot, overhead Montana, maintaining 5,500 ft, routing Breerivier, fnn
Overhead Breërivier
Traffic in Breërivier area, fnn, yellow sling 2, student pilot, overhead Breërivier, maintaining 5,500 ft, routing Worcester, fnn
Overhead Worcester on 124.8, changing frequency to 131.12
Traffic in Worcester area, fnn, yellow sling 2, student pilot, overhead Worcester, maintaining 5,500 ft, routing Robertson, changing frequency 131.12 FNN
First Contact Cape Town Information:
Cape Town Information, ZU-FNN, Student Pilot, good morning
FNN Good morning – Go Ahead
Two miles East of Worcester, maintaining 5,500 ft, routing Swellendam for a Touch & Go as per flight plan. FNN
FNN, No reported traffic for 5,500ft, QNH 1015, report overhead Robertson.
No reported traffic for 5,500ft, QNH 1015, will report overhead Robertson.
Overhead Swellendam - after changing frequency 124.8 Mhz
Traffic in Swellendam area, fnn, yellow sling 2, student pilot, overhead Swellendam, maintaining 2,500 ft, routing Swellendam Airfield, next call overhead, FNN
Overhead Swellendam Airfield – T&G Runway 15
Swellendam traffic, FNN, overhead the airfield, descending on the North-East side to join left downwind runway 15 for a touch & go. FNN