Lokdip 2013 Flashcards
SRS scoliosis is
a. 10 degrees w/wo rotation vertebra in frontal plane
b. 20 degrees w/wo rotation vertebra in frontal plane
c. 30 degrees w/wo rotation vertebra in sagital plane
d. 20 degrees w/wo rotation vertebra in horizontal plane
Maintain balance while standing
a. intac sensory
b. sensory motor
c. motor reaction
d. vestibular
e. all
Hemiparese, trouble using correct word for object, place, event….
a. afasia expresif.
b. reseptif.
c. anomic.
d. global.
e. primary progresif
stroke, trouble speaking/understand word/written, not see on right side, slow, careful movement
a. midbrain
b. left brain
c. right brain
d. cerebelar
e. pons
predictor hand n movement after stroke
a. arm pronasi
b. arm supinasi
c. sholder shrug n synergy
d. parestesi
e. lower arm spasticity
4 potential predictors of arm recovery (active finger extension, shoulder abduction, shoulder shrug and hand movement scales)
finger extensi n shoulder abduksi within 72 jam after stroke predic func recovery of the hemiplegi at
a. 1 bln
b. 3 bln
c. 6 bln
d. 8 bln
e. 12 bln
during exercise there increase
a. stroke volume
b. diastolik
c. venous return
d. pulmonary artery resistency
e. total perifer
cause pulse pressure increase…..
a. takikardi
b. hipertensi
c. hemorarge
d. aortic stenosis
e. heart failure
COPD, cough, dispnea, FEV1/FVC <75%
a. stadium IIA
b. II B
c. I
d. IV
Activity central chemoreceptor
a. increase PCO2 brain
b. decrease PO2 brain
c. decrease O2 blood flow
d. decrease metabolic
e. increase PH CSF
air to base alveoli more than apex alveoli because
a. at the base more surfactan
b. at the base more compliant
c. at the base increase V/Q ratio
d. more negatif presure intrapleura at the base
e. more blood flow at the base
active postur development and equilibrium reaction
a. bobath
b. deaver
c. votja
d. phelp
e. PNF
Avulsed of C5 nerve in accident, orign root test in
a. rhomboid
b. supraspinatus
c. deltod
d. bicep
e. teres minor
Statement of H-Reflex is correct is
a. supramax stimulus,
b. amplitude constan all stimulus level
c. cause polysinap
d. Different R/L leg should be < 2 mm
Clinical application of H-Reflex test
a. cervical radiculopathy
b. polineoropaty
c. GBS
d. CTS
e. S1 Radiculopathy
Which following in pt AIDP :
a. motor amplitude loss
b. prolong of distal latency
c. Prolong F latency
d. Fibrilation on needle EMG
e. sensory amplitude loss
Which following not typical of MUAP in pt myopathy
a. early recruitment,
b. short duration,
c. high amplitude
d. low amplitude
e. non above correct