Lokdip 2012 Flashcards
a lateral T strap is required for the CP patient to control:
a. pes varus
b. pes valgus
c. pes equinus
d. pes calcaneus
the tonic neck reflex is abN if
a. it is variable in the same infant
b. the ipsilateral extremities extend
c. if persist for more than 6 months of age
d. the contralateral extremities flexion
the muscles that are required for ambulation using crutches are
a. shoulder depressor and biceps
b. biceps, triceps, and wrist flexions
c. shoulder depressors, triceps, wrist extensors and finger flexors
d. shoulder depressors, biceps and wrist extensors
tilting of the pelvis occurs maximally
a. at mid stance
b. at push-off
c. during swing through
d. at heel strike
these are the effects of treadmil training in parkinsons patients, except
a. it decreases risk of fall
b. it improves QoL
c. it reduces tremor
d. it improves gait impairment
the most widely accepted method of recording joint ROM is
a. 180 - 0 deg system
b. 360 - 0 deg system
c. 0 - 180 deg system
d. 0 - 360 deg system
all of the following associated conditions in the CP child should be treated by medications, except
a. seizures
b. severe scissoring
c. severe spasticity
d. hyperactivity
all of the following associated conditions in the CP child should be treated by medications, except
a. seizures
b. severe scissoring
c. severe spasticity
d. hyperactivity
how the patient w/ obstructive pulmonary disease overcome air trapping?
a. forcefully inhale for as long as possible
b. swing inhale until the lungs are fully expanded
c. forcefully exhale
d. exhale with lips pursed
for which of the following symptoms of CP will bracing be most beneficial?
a. ataxia
b. spasticity
c. athetosis
d. chorea
the characteristic spastic dyplegia of CP are as follow, except
a. sitting by 2 year was a good predictive sign of eventual ambulation
b. children who did not sit by 4 year have not achieved ambulation
c. 18 months implied poor prognosis for ambulation
d. children with diplegia have not adequate movement control of the arm and hands
Mr. Ali, a 56 year old man suffers a R hemisphere stroke with a consequence of L hemisplegic, L neglect and L homonymus hemianopsia. He had trouble w/ swallowing. He was completely dependent for grooming, eating, or dressing. however he is able to ambulate with 1 person and a quad cane. The persistent neglect and L homonymous hemianopsia make him unable to drive and there force unable to return to work.
the following are classified at as his activity limitation or disabilities, except difficulty w/
a. grooming
b. eating
c. sociality
d. dressing
to reduce tone in spastic muscle, all the following can be used, except
a. performing a sustained stretch of the spastic muscle
b. placing pressence on the tendon of a spastic muscle
c. performing a quick stretch to the spastic muscle
d. gentle massage of the spastic muscle
splinting, serial casting, seating & positioning are all therapeutic technique use to decreased tone in hypertonic muscle group. These technique are based on which of the following principles:
a. a quick stretch of spastic muscle group facilitate the golgi tendon organ which inhibit the spastic muscle.
b. placing pressure on the muscle belly or a spastic muscle group fascilitate the golgi tendon organ which inhibit the spastic muscle
c. sustained stretch of spastic muscle group facilitates the golgi tendon organs which inthibit the spastic muscle
d. one of the above
the following condition is a positive response of asymetrical tonic neck reflex:
a. when the head is turned the trunk and limb turn to the same side
b. when the head is turned the limb flex the skull side (occipital) and extend on the face side
c. flexion of the head causes flexion of forelimb and extension of hind limbs
d. when the head is turned the limbs extends on the skull side (occipital) and flexion the face side
the following tests were done as walking prognosis test, except:
b. neck righting
c. parachute reflex
d. landau reflex
which the following is the most important characteristics of a lower extremitiy prosthesis:
a. good cosmetic appearance
b. ability to be used for stair climbing
c. stability and security
d. material energy consumption
a 55 y-o man has severe pain on gentle touching of the arm. 6 months ago the median n was damaged during creation of arteriovenous fistula of dialysis. Which of the following tonus best describesrs this phenomenon?
a. hyperalgesia
b. allodynia
c. hyperpathology
d. hypersensitive
the following are sign and symptoms of ligament sprain first degree, except
a. minimal, localized tenderness
b. subtle structural instability
c. no ligament instability
d. pain and swelling
in the second degree of ligament sprain, the following are not functional implication, except:
a. immobilization indicated
b. protective bracing indicated
c. significant activity limitation
d. susceptible to recurrence
what is the purpose of the terminal device on the functional upper limb prosthetic?
a. To make a better appearance cosmetically
b. To provide prehension
c. To get done and doff more easily
d. To make a comfortable used
Squatting is example of
a. Open kinetic chain exc
b. Closed kinetic chain exc
c. Mixed
d. None of the above
Gold standard for DMD is
a. To check elbow creatine kinase level
b. To perform EMG
c. To have muscle biopsy
d. MRI of leg muscle
The characteristic of F wave are as follow, except:
a. The F wave can be elicited by placing the recording electrode over the muscle of the extremities while supramax stimulating the appropriate nerve
b. Variably appears at approximately similar location as H reflex
c. The amplitude of F wave is higher than M response
d. The stimulus ascends the motor fiber antigromically and impact on the anterior horn cells to return orthodomically to cause muscle contraction
Conditioning exc program results in all of the following, except:
a. Increase in muscle strength
b. Increase in venous return
c. Decrease in metabolic activity muscle
d. Decrease in pulse rate
The FEV1 and FVC are measured using spirometry in the restrictive disease:
a. Both are reduced, often in proportion to each other
The event of exc induced asthma is reduced in pool therapy
a. Bouyancy effect
b. Humidity of
c. Hydrostatic pressure
d. Viscosity of water
An opposite effect will be found in the following term between cryotherapy and thermotherapy application, except:
a. Collagen extensibility
b. Joint stiffness
c. Muscle spasm
d. Nerve conduction velocity
Massage exc as therapeutic effect thru all the following mechanics, except:
a. Mobilization of edema within soft tissue
b. Improve soft tissue blood flow
c. Stimulation of loccal opioid receptor
d. Cutaneous stimulation of autonomic nerve system
For pain to be considered chronic, it must have been present for at least:
a. 1-2 mo
b. 3-6 mo
c. 7-12 mo
d. 12-18 mo
Vital capacity is the total sum of
a. Insp cap, tidal vol, exp cap
b. Insp cap, func residual cap
c. Insp rev vol, tv, exp resid vol
d. Insp res vol, func res resp and tidal vol
Following BOTTLE blowing exc, when is the following is found as common
a. Premature ventricle
b. Pulmonary embolism
c. Pneumnia
d. Rib #
Following BOTTLE blowing exc, when is the following is found as common
a. Premature ventricle
b. Pulmonary embolism
c. Pneumnia
d. Rib #
What is the purpose attitude about smoking
a. Patient should be forced to stop smoking
b. Patient should be encouraged to stop smoking and should be presented the appropriate education
Ankle sprains are ubiquitous in sports and are the most common athletic injury. The most commonly injured is
a. Calcaneo fibular lig
b. Anterior talofibular lig
c. Post talofib lig
d. Strong medial deltoid lig
Palmar and plantar grasp response is
a. Present thru out life
b. A flexion response to light touch
c. Strongest in neonatal period
d. The same as forced grasp response
All type of spina bifida have neurological, except
a. Spina bifida occulta
b. Spina bifida cystic w/ meningocele
c. Spina cystic w/ myelomeningocele
d. Spina cystic w/ urinary continence
Which muscle type contraction produce force
a. Slow concentric
b. Fast concentric
c. Fast eccentric
d. Isometric
Absolute of radius alone, llimb deficiency
a. Horizontal terminal deficit
b. Longitudinal terminal deficit
c. Intercalary transversal deficit
d. Longitudinal intercalary
Amelia - Complete absence of a free limb (exclusive of girdle).
Meromelia - Partial absence of a free limb (exclu- sive of girdle).
Terminal - Absence of all skeletal elements distal Deficiency to the proximal limit of the defi- ciency, along the designated axis (longitudinal or transverse).
Intercalary Deficiency - Absence of middle part(s) lying between a proximal-distal series of limb components; elements proximal to and distal to the absent part(s) are present.
Transverse - Absence extending across the width of the limb.
Longitudinal - Absence extending parallel with the long axis of the limb (forearm and/or hand, or leg and/or foot), either pre-axial, postaxial, or (as in the hand or foot) central in nature.
Muscle spasm
a. No treatment
b. Local application of heat
c. Vigorous exc
d. Traction is the only treatment
The most commonly employed diagnostic maneuver for thoracic outlet syndrome are as follow, except
a. Adson test
b. Yergason test
c. Shoulder depression test
d. Hyperabd test
The sign of Erb’s palsy are as follow, except:
a. Shoulder abduction
b. Endorotation of upper arm
c. Pronation of forearm
d. Elbow extension
During vigorous exc, while the participant is in a stress test, it is noted that T wave increased by 10 %, no other changes are noted. How should this be interpreted
a. Definitely abN and diagnostic for ischemic heart disease
b. Definitely AbN highly suspicious but not absolutely diagram, of ischemic heart disease
c. Mildly abN, would recommend that max effort test be performed
d. Normal
One of the following not responsible knee extensor in hemiplegic gait
a. Flexor …
b. Biceps femoris
c. Soleus
d. Hamstring spasticity
Myastenia gravis
a. Acetyl choline receptor destro
b. Nerve cell destroyed
c. Lesi serebri
d. Lesi anterior horn
Why is an exc stress test negative in a patient who is taking propanolol, while it is positive while the patient is off the drug? Propanolol….
a. Increase artery circulation
b. Increase cardiac contractile force
c. Decrease myocardial oxygen requirement per unit of work expended
d. Increase blood pressure
Brief assessment can identify patients with new or potential problems that warrant evaluation
a. Change of weight or appetite
b. Change in memory
c. Problem w/ bowel bladder
d. A, b, c true
The most serious complication on untreated dorsal synovitis is
a. Unmanaged pain
b. Extensor tendon rupture
c. Flexor tendon rupture
d. Increased size of tenosynovial mass
Biceps rupture can be tested with
a. Ludington’s test
b. Yergason
c. Speed test
d. Drop arm test
Flexion of MCP, hyperextension PIP, flexion DIP
a. Swan neck deformity
b. Bouttoniere
c. Mallet finger
d. Bolt finger
The following are the characteristics of DMD, except
a. The disease affect males
b. Is transmitted by x-linked mode of inheritance
c. The child’s mother, his sister, and maternal aunts are potential carriers
d. EMG shows high amplitude, long duration motor unit action potential with decreased recruitment potential effort
The following are the characteristics of becker muscular dystrophy, except
a. This form is similar to DMD in terms of distribution of weakness
b. Is has later onset than DMD
c. Intelectual impairment is the most common in becker MD
d. It is more benign than DMD
e. Is also X-linked inherited disorder
Muscular dystrophy, except
a. Becher
b. Limb girdle
c. Spinal muscular atrophy
d. Fasciohumeral dystrophy
29 y o man, fell, got # at coccygeus, pain when sitting… anesthetic block injection for pain is done at
a. Anococcygeal lig
b. Pudendal nerve
c. S4-S5 nerve root
d. Superior hipogastricus plexus
Prosthetic foot should
- Shock absorbent
- Stable weight bearing
- Joint stimulation
- Muscle stimulation
Geriatric patient w/ hip # in initial recovery phase
- Imperative to protect the # side from external and internal force
- PROM minimally impaired
- AROM moderately decreased
- Oedema commonly present
Orthoses prescription
- Prevention-correction deformity
- Reduction of axial load
- Relieve pain by limited motion
- Provision effort heat, massage
RA is
- Symmetric, polyarticular inflammatory arthritis
- Evidence of inflammatory by history, examination and lab test
- A characteristic of joint involvement
- History suggest mechanical pain
Hand splinting must consider
- ….
- Cognition
- Sensibility
- Oedema
The prevention of illness and injury in sport depends on
- Appropriate clothing
- Equipment
- Health facility
- Health control
The following criteria is the purpose of orthoses prescription
- Correct deformity
- Substitute for lost function
- To rest a specific body part
- To promote for recovery weak muscle
The malformation of circumduction gait of amputee who is wearing a lower limb protheses usually caused by
- Socket too small, residual limb can’t fully enter
- Inadequate suspension, socket slipped down during swing
- Amputee is reluctant to flex the knee during swing because of poor balance
- Amputee doesn’t bother to flex the knee because prior to shift
The general characteristics in the child w/ spastic diplegia
- Upper limb is good, minor incoordination of fingers and fine motor
- Speech intelectual normal or slightly inappropriate
- Lower limb muscle definitely spastic
- Most children can walk
The main function of KAFO
- Stabilize the knee in sagital or coronal plane
- Reduce stress within the leg
- Limit movement with the knee
- Correct postural balance
Lordosis is hyperextension of lumbar vertebra causes
- Anterior pelvic tilt
- Tightness of posterior longitudinal ligamentum
- Compressed vertebral posteriorly
- Stretch thoracic extension
Lordosis is hyperextension of lumbar vertebra causes
- Anterior pelvic tilt
- Tightness of posterior longitudinal ligamentum
- Compressed vertebral posteriorly
- Stretch thoracic extension
William flexion exc for patient w/ LBP
- Abdominal muscle strengthening
- Hamstring stretching
- Gluteus strengthening
- Multifidus muscle strengthening
Common observation with observating above knee amputees from rear
- Lateral trunk bending
- Abducted gait
- Circumduction
- Sudden heel strike
Exc for improving shoulder ROM
- Pendulum
- Cross body reach
- Arm overhead
- Beach ball squeezing
Exc for improving shoulder ROM
- Pendulum
- Cross body reach
- Arm overhead
- Beach ball squeezing
Attention for geriatric patient with fall
- Medication
- Vision
- Lower limb joint
- Cardiovascular disorder
Medial stress of injuries of the elbow in throwing athletes includes
- Ulnar nerve traction
- Avulsion of medial epicondyle
- Flexion muscle strain or tear
- Olecranon osteofit formation
ulnar collateral ligament tears, ulnar neuritis, flexor-pronator muscle strain or tendinitis, medial epicondyle apophysitis or avulsion, valgus extension overload syndrome with olecranon osteophytes, olecranon stress fractures, osteochondritis dissecans of the capitellum, and loose bodies.
The amount of absorbed coefficient of US depend on the
- Intensity
- Frequency
- Duration
- Tissue
Thermal absorption in SWD depends on
- Intensity
- Duration
- Tissue type
- Time depth