2012 Flashcards
The primary afferent fibers coming from the nuclear chain of the muscle spindle have the following conduction velocity … m/sec
a. 20-40
b. 40-60
c. 60-80
d. 80-100
One effects of baclofen as muscle relaxant is via the mechanism of
a. To inhibit calcium ions release
b. To inhibit acetylcholine
c. To stimulate glutamate
d. To stimulate GABA
In neuropraxia the following finding can be detected during EMG/NCV studies
a. Positive sharp waves
b. Fasiculations waves
c. Fibrillations waves
d. Conduction block at certain level of nerve
Which statement below is true according patellofemoral pain syndrome?
a. The pain often be felt while running or jogging
b. Also referred to as posteromedial knee pain syndrome
c. Should always be associated w/ laxity of ligament around the knee
d. Is characterized by pain at front or middle edge of the knee or under the knee cap
Injury to the rotator cuff muscles and tendons of the shoulder is often occurs in?
a. Tennis player
b. Discus thrower
c. Boxing athletes
d. Rowing athletes
A young basketball athlete age 18, injured his right ankle while playing in a competition 1 week ago. His x-ray showed no fracture. His physician diagnosed as lateral ankle sprain. VAS score decreased in intensity from 8/10 to 6/10, but the pain increases w/ weight bearing and certain demonstrated movements. No warmth of skin of anterolateral aspect of right ankle, slight ecchymosis and swelling are noted. His anterior drawer test is positive, and his talar tilt test is negative.
What is the classification of injury in severity, and what stage of healing is this patient in?
a. Grade I ankle sprain and inflammatory phase
b. Grade I ankle sprain and proliferative phase
c. Grade II ankle sprain and inflammatory phase
d. Grade II ankle sprain and proliferative phase
In this case, what structure has been injured?
a. Anterior talofibular lig.
b. Posterior talofibular lig
c. Calcaneofibular lig
d. Syndesmotic lig
What program are suited for this case?
a. Rest and fixation
b. Stretching and endurance exc
c. Proprioceptive and balance exc
d. Weight bearing as tolerated and ROM exc
Which flexor muscle below located profoundly?
a. Pronator teres
b. Palmaris longus
c. Pronator quadrates
d. Flexor carpi ulnaris
A severe hearniated disc between L4-L5 most probably leading to weakness of the following muscle
a. Extensor digitorum longus
b. Extensor digitorum brevis
c. Extensor hallucis longus
d. Peroneus longus
the quadriceps femoris is an important knee extensor muscle. Which portion of this muscle also causes hip flexion?
a. Vastus intermedius
b. Vastus lateralis
c. Vastus medialis
d. Rectus femoris
Most important change in the aging musculoskeletal system is?
a. Increase in bone density
b. Decrease in lumbar lordosis
c. Increase in thoracic kyphosis
d. Increase in type II muscle fiber
Which of the following is most likely to enable you to determine the reason for a fall in an older patient?
a. A completed neurologic examination
b. MRI of the brain
c. Determination of patient’s functional status
d. A careful history of the circumstances surrounding the fall
Functional assessment of instability in the older faller is
a. Vision
b. Vestibuler
c. Mobility skills
d. Proprioception
In aging people, which lung function increases
a. FVC
b. Total lung capacity
c. Residual vol
d. Vital capacity
This is NOT the characteristic of geriatric patient
a. Multipathologic
b. Non specific clinical symptoms
c. no changes of functional status
d. limited physiologic reserved capacity
which of the following is NOT a contraindication to MWD?
a. Bruising
b. Old scar tissue
c. Electrical implant
d. Infectious skin disease
The high voltage pulsed current is
a. A direct current and biphasic
b. A monophasic pulsed current
c. A diadynamic pulsed current
d. Symmetric biphasic pulsed current
Which one of the following CPM is contraindicated?
a. Burn patient
b. Capsulotomies
c. Knee arthroplasty
d. Unstable fractures
Which of the following parameters most closely correlates with oxygen consumption?
a. Rectal temp
b. Oral temp
c. Respiratory rate
d. Pulse rate
How right the patient with obstructive airway disease help overcome air trapping?
a. Slowly inhale until the lungs are fully expanded
b. Force fully inhale for as long as possible
c. Exhale with hips pursed
d. Forcefully exhale
During exc, there is an increase in a person’s
a. stroke volume
b. diastolic pressure
c. total peripheral resistance
d. pulmonary arterial resistance
in a resting healthy man, the ejection fraction is approximately
a. 0.1
b. 0.2
c. 0.3
d. 0.6
The best device to unload a painful arthritis of the hip is
a. Knee hip ankle ortosis
b. Single point straight cane
c. Hip derotation orthoses
d. Forearm crutches
When should upper extremity prostheses fitting be initiated in adult?
a. When residual strength is full
b. When the patient requests a prostheses
c. Within the 1st month after amputation
d. When residual limb volume has stabilized
the most commonly used prostheses for patients with hip disarticulation
a. Hip disarticulation prosthesis w/ wooden socket
b. Canadian hip disarticulation prosthesis
c. Modular hip disarticulation prosthesis
d. Hemipelvictomy prosthesis
Signs of Leg-Calve perthes disease in the child is
a. Limping and restriction in hip motion, esp. hip abduction
b. Limping and restriction in hip motion, esp. hip adduction
c. Severe hip pain that is exacerbated w/ any motion
d. Groin pain that increases in weight bearing
The child has CC of bowlegs that are gradually progressing in severity and not improving spontaneously. The deformity is called
a. Clubfoot
b. Tibia vara
c. Knock knees
d. Genu recurvatum
Above case is caused by growth retardation of the medial and lateral part of proximal tibial epiphysis due to abnormal weight bearing stress and compression force on the knees. This disease is known as
a. Genu varum
b. Blount’s disease
c. Ricket’s disease
d. Ollier’s multiple enchondromatosis
What is seen when Landau reflex is elicited and when does it appear?
a. In the vertical position, the baby will support weight on his feet. Appears at 3-4 mo
b. In the ventral suspension, baby will extend their hand and LE. 4-5 mo
c. In supine position, baby will extend arm and leg on the side that the head is turned toward. 5-6 mo
d. In sitting position, baby will extend arm and hand to catch himself and prevent falling to one side. 5-7 mo
A 55-yo man has severe pain on gentle touching of the arm. Six months ago the median nerve was damaged during creation of arteriovenous fistula for dialysis. Which of the following terms best describes this phenomenon?
a. Allodynia
b. Hyperpathia
c. Hyperalgesia
d. Hypersensitivity
A 27-yo woman complains of pain in the shoulder and suprascapular region 1 month after undergoing modified radical neck dissection for carcinoma of the thyroid. Examination shows decreased sensation to light touch over the superior aspect of the right trapezius and scapular winging with resisted shoulder abduction. Which of the following nerve was mosth likely transected during the procedure?
a. Axillary
b. Long thoracic
c. Dorsal scapular
d. Spinal accessory
The most cranial nerve involved in Miller Fisher Syndrome (variant of GBS) is
a. Facial n
b. Abduscent n
c. Trigeminal n
d. Oculomotor n
A 33 yo male football player came w/ trauma of his shoulder during a football game. A few week later showed weakness of internal rotation and adduction left limb, the forearm was held in extension and pronation because of elbow flexion weakness. These finding are suggestive of
a. Klumpke palsy
b. Erb-duchenne palsy
c. Thoracic outlet syndrome
d. A lesion of cervical plexus
These are the effects of treadmill training in Parkinson, except
a. It reduces tremor
b. It decreases fall risk
c. It improves QoL
d. It improves gait impairment
Maximal force generation by a muscle occurs during
a. Fast eccentric contraction
b. Slow eccentric contraction
c. Fast concentric contraction
d. Slow concentric contraction
Which are emphasized to increase muscle endurance
a. More resistance, more repetition
b. More resistance, fewer repetition
c. Low to moderate resistance, more repetition
d. Low to moderate resistance, fewer repetition
The following is the test to evaluate the posterior cruciate ligament tear
a. Varus test
b. Valgus test
c. Posterior drawer test
d. Anterior drawer test
Characteristic of joint pain and stiffness in knee osteoarthritis
a. In the morning but typically last less that one hour
b. In the morning but last longer than 1 hour
c. Thru the whole day
d. Just at night
Stage 1 of rotator cuff injury
a. Inflammation and edema in the rotator cuff
b. Progressed to fibrosis and tendonitis
c. There is a complete rotator cuff tear
d. Pain but no inflammation
Tearing of extensor hood causing hyperextension of MCP, flexion PIP, hyperextension DIP is called
a. Boutonniere deformity
b. Swan neck deformity
c. Heberden’s node
d. Bouchard’s node
Which of the following is a general treatment principle for knee OA
a. Encourage a high impact aerobic home exc program
b. Strengthen quad muscles
c. Avoid extreme ROM
d. Avoid use of modalities
The following statements regards F-wave are true, EXCEPT
a. The amplitude of F-wave are much lower than the amplitude of M-wave
b. The pathway is from motor fiber to cell body back to motor fiber
c. it requires supramaximal stimulation
d. it requires submaximal stimulation
A discus thrower complains of pain in the upper part of shoulder. One of the finding on exam is cross adduction chest positive sign, pain arch at 110 deg. What structure most likely to be involved?
a. Suprahumeral joint
b. Glenohumeral joint
c. Sternoclavicular joint
d. Acromioclavicular joint
The following is the characteristic of a MUAP
a. Irregular in nature
b. The shape is always triphasic
c. Appears under voluntary control
d. Appears under involuntary control
Which bony wrist injury related to forceful of the hand is commonly seen in gymnasts?
a. Ulnar #
b. Radius #
c. Lunate #
d. Scaphoid #
A martial arts player complaint of back knee pain after kicks his opponent. Exam of knee demonstrates pain during varus stress test. What is the most likely diagnosis?
a. Strain popliteus muscle
b. Medial collateral lig injury
c. Lateral collateral lig injury
d. Posterior cruciate lig injury
What is the internal moment of the ankle when heel strike?
a. Concentric contraction of the gastroc
b. Eccentric contraction of gastroc
c. Concentric contraction of dorsiflexor
d. Eccentric contraction of dorsiflexor
What muscle is the most powerful at internal rotation of the shoulder?
a. Pectoralis major
b. Supraspinatus
c. Subscapularis
d. Teres major
Atlanto-odontoid is classified as
a. Gynglimus joint
b. Ellipsoidal joint
c. Trochoid joint
d. Saddle joint
A good initial treatment plan for neurogenic claudication secondary to spinal stenosis would include
a. Narcotic pain medication
b. Lumbar bracing
c. Acetaminophen
d. Gabapentin
What should be the 1st treatment considered for chronic lateral epicondylitis?
a. Surgical release
b. Botulinum toxin
c. Corticosteroid injection
d. Wrist extensor stretching
Which physiologic factor in the elderly exacerbates orthostasis?
a. Decreased baroreceptor response
b. Decreased peripheral resistance
c. Decreased in arterial stiffness
d. Decreased creatine clearance
A 65 yo woman with a history of insulin dependent DM, gastroparesis, hypertension, and obesity had a right cortical ischemic infarct 7 days ago. The nurses note that she is having frequent small urinary voids with a weak voiding stream. What bladder mechanism most characteristic for this presentation?
a. Hyperactive detrusor with large volume bladder
b. Spastic detrusor activity with normal sphincter
c. Small volume bladder w/ sphincter flaccidity
d. Flaccid detrusor w/ large volume bladder
A 50 yo woman w/ secondary progressive multiple sclerosis has mild cognitive deficits and severe lower limb spasticity. What is the most effective treatment for this patient?
a. ROM exc
b. Warm water Exc
c. Intrathecal baclofen
d. Diazepam injection
A 45 yo woman developed thermoanestesia in a cape like distribution involving both upper extremities, with preservation of light touch sensation and proprioception. These findings are suggestive of
a. Syringomyelia
b. B12 deficiency
c. ALS
d. Occlusion of the anterior spinal artery
The following statements below are true for stroke syndromes of the middle cerebral artery circulation EXCEPT
a. Pure sensory w/o weakness
b. Contralateral hemiparesis and sensory loss
c. Face and UE are more involved compared to LE
d. Aphasia, if it affect superficial branch of middle cerebral artery on the left side
The clinical syndromes that affect the dorsal collum medial lemnicus system causing proprioceptive disturbance that affect position sense and balance is caused by
a. Tabes dorsalis
b. Anterior cord synd
c. Idiopathic plexus brachialis lesion
d. Idiopathic CTS