Lokativ Flashcards
Lokativ is a grammatical case that tells us
Where something is
Lokativ also tells us what?
What someone is talking about
Lokativ is used only with prepostions
u-in na-on o-about po-over,on pri- close to
Its answers the question
About who?) (About what?) (Where?
muški S extension
muški P extension
ženski S extension
ženski P extension
srednji S extension
srednji P extension
Pričam Nenadu. - dativ, affected by the action, recepient
I give a book to Nenad.
Pričam o Nenadu. - lokativ, Nenad is talked about
I speak about Nenad.
Pričam Nenadu. - dativ, affected by the action, recepient
I give a book to Nenad.
Pričam o Nenadu. - lokativ, Nenad is talked about
I speak about Nenad.
There is a difference in use between akuzativ, dativ and lokativ when speaking about the location.
Dativ is used to mark?
a point of orientation,
used to tell us that we are going in specific direction towards something.
There is a difference in use between akuzativ, dativ and lokativ when speaking about the location.
Akuzativ is used
tell us that someone is going to some location currently, or that someone goes to that location in general.
There is a difference in use between akuzativ, dativ and Lokativ when speaking about the location.
Lokativ used
To tell us that someone or something stays in the location for some time
we use lokativ when we are already in the location, or when we already have been on that location.