logical fallacies bitch Flashcards
abusive ad hominem
sidetracks the issue by attacking the person
tu quo que
attempts to discredit an argument based on a persons hypocrisy
ad populum
whats popular is whats right
straw man
weakened misrepresentation of an opponents view
guilt by association
use of reputation to discredit
non sequiter
draws a conclusion that does not follow the premises
appeal to ignorance
argues that lack of evidence is evidence
appeal to authority
submits testimony from an irrelevant source as evidence
reducing possibilities to only 2
false cause
turns a coincidence into a cause
hasty generalization
concludes too much from too little
sweeping generalization
misapplies a true principles to a situation that is exceptional
red herring
presents irrelevancy to distract from the original issue
slippery slope
the prediction of catastrophe based on a series of links started by one particular act
question-begging epithet
calls someone a name that implies a quality or fact that is not proved
changes the meaning of a word in mid-disscussion
appeal to emotions
manipulates agreement by the way of emotion instead of cogent reason
speacil pleading
colors the language according to the arguers perspective
exploits grammatical ambiguity with the syntax to lead to a false or questionable conclusion
complex question
asks a question that assumes and so corners the respondent