Loft Buildings Flashcards
A loft building with a frontage of 25 feet or less will:
A. have interior columns
B. not have interior columns
B. will not
These will provide FF with visual contrast to discern exposure 2,4 and the width of the building.[LOFTS]
A. windows
B. roof line
C. vault
D. quoins
What does a large piece of granite stone covering the sidewalk to the curb line indicate?[LOFTS]
full sidewalk vault
When should freight elevators(no fireman service) be used during fire ops in a loft building?
A. initial opsB.
IC’s approval
C. when the fire location is confirmed
D. when the fire is knocked down
B. ICelevator doors often look like apt doors
In a loft, a window serving an elevator shaft facing the street will be identified be:
A. its smaller size
B. its different shape
C. elevator sign
D. shaftway sign
D. shaft sign
avoid laddering
At a loft fire never operate a stream into a shaft window.
do not unless visible fire is extending up the shaft
which is an incorrect statement about cast iron columns?
A. weak in compression
B. weak in tension
C. possible weakness due to being cast improperly
D. may not be thick enough to support its load
cast iron is strong in compression
A______column is 20% stronger than a ______ column.square/roundwhich column were reserved for upper floors and which were reserved for lower floors?[LOFTS]
square 20% stronger than round
square lower—–round upper
It is a myth that when a cast iron column is exposed to fire then cooled by a hoseline it will shatter but if improperly cast can contract disproportionately when cooled by a line.[LOFTS]
if they are properly cast they can withstand a great deal of thermal stress
subjected to heat for a long period of time cast iron columns can fracture and fail. At 1100 degrees it will lose ___% of its strength[LOFTS]
when a cast iron column is cooled it will regain 40% of the strength lost.[LOFTS]
never regained. strength loss is cumlatitive
Iron fibers can elongate or extend column if heated. this can result in:[LOFTS]
A. column unable to move will crack
B. column will bend and eventually buckle
C. cause the floor above to spall
D. explode violently killing everyone within 1500 feet
If interior columns are used to support girders they must line up vertically creating a cast iron shaft. Failure of a single column can collapse all columns collapsing the building.T/F
wrought iron is [strong/weak] in compression and [strong/weak] in tension.[LOFTS]
which is incorrect about wrought iron?
A. used for segmental arch floors over 20 feet
B.will delaminate and rust at connections
C. inferior to cast iron as a horizontal support member(girders/beams/lintels)
D.will elongate and lose strength when heated
strong in tension so it became a logical substitute for cast iron horizontal supports in the mid 19th century
Mill lofts are of heavy timber construction(both floors and roof).
These buildings have [2/4] load bearing walls.
With a truss roof in a mill loft vertical ventilation is generally limited to opening up skylights and stair bulkhead doors.T/F
If a firefighter finds himself lost in a mill loft building and realizes he is crawling around on the original hardwood flooring he should know it runs_________________
A. front to rear
B. side to side
A. front to rear
just call a fucking mayday
Stars(reinforcing plates) on a mill loft building ina uniform pattern__________an Irregular pattern__________(choose one below)
mean part of original construction
put in later to tie in opposing walls due to age and deterioration
irregular——–later for age/deterioration
In cast iron, mill and fireproof loft buildings the initial hoseline shall be:
A. 1 3/4
B. 2 1/2
C. Depends on conditions
In cast iron and mill loft buildings:
- the 1st truck inside team is responsible for VEIS of____________.
- the 2nd truck inside team is responsible for VEIS of___________.
- fire floor
2. floors above
In cast iron and mill loft buildings if straight run stairs are encountered who will notify the IC [1st or 2nd ladder] at:
lower floor fires_________
upper floor fires_________
lower floor 2nd ladder
upper floor 1st ladder
At cast iron and mill loft buildings lower or upper floor fires the 1st OV’s primary position will be the ________. The second OV will reinforce this position.
A. front (no life hazard in front)
B. rear
C. exposures 2 or 4
D. roof
exception is helping LCC with life hazard
At a top floor fire in cast iron or mill loft billings who’s assignment is bringing a saw to the roof?
2nd roofman
no other tools/equipment mentioned for roof ff
-access to roof can be adjoining, aerial or TL, Fire escape