Local Taxation (L2) Flashcards
Define NAV
Net annual value is the rental value that is paid year on year, from a hypothetical tenant to a hypothetical landlord, assuming that the tenant is responsible for all repairs
What is the UBR for 2022/23?
49.8p RV > £51k
51.1p RV £51k - £95k
52.4p RV > £95k
What is fresh start relief and what is the criteria?
12 months rate relief which is offered for properties with a RV under £95k that have been vacant for more than 6 months or have had a change of use
When is the next revaluation in Scotland?
What is the tone date for the next revaluation?
What is tone of the roll?
Tone of the roll was established in the Local Government Scotland Act 1966. It requires that when you are make any new or altered entry to the roll, you must value them as though they had been available in their present state at the revaluaiton.
What is the purpose of a tone date?
to set the level of value for an upcoming revaluation (sets a ceiling)
Steps in cotractors method?
1) ERV
2) ARV
3) Land value
4) Decapitalisation
5) Review
(When using contractors method, properties are normally measured on a GIA basis)
(The ARV takes into account the current state of the property, relevant allowances are made)
What are the decap rates?
2.9% (schools, churches, hospitals) and 4.6% (all other). You would find them in the Valuation for Rating (Decapitalisation Rates) (Scotland) 2016
What legislation governs plant & machinery?
Valuation for Rating, Plant and Machinery, Scotland Regs 2000
How would you improve the rating system?
Explain what tests you would consider when determining the unit of valuation?
Unum quid - should it be valued as on unit? You would use the functional and geographical tests. You would also take into account if it is capable of being separately let and the actual terms of the letting.
Who has a right of appeal?
Anyone who takes an interest within a property (6 months right of appeal)
Within 6 months of date on valuation notice
If you think there is an error
When can the assessor change the roll?
error, material change, new entry or deletion
What regulations give the assessor the power to alter the roll?
Local Government Scotland Act 1975
How would you value two office floors in a multi storey office block that weren’t contiguous?
Previously would have been valued as one entry in the valuation roll. Following the Woolway v. Mazars case this has changed and separate entries would now be made.
What lands and heritages aren’t included in the Valuation Roll?
houses, agricultural properties, churches, public parks, sewers, public roads, atm in rural locations, off shore electricity generators
What are the 5 classifications of error?
Measurement, survey, classification, arithmetical, clerical
Where do you get costs from for a contractors valuation
SAA Cost Guide, BCI Cost Guide, Actual costs from developer
Would you use unit costs or actual costs?
Unit costs
When could an appeal be referred to the Lands Tribunal?
When evidence heard or facts of the case is complex or highly technical.
When the law applied is uncertain
When the decision is likely to be used in future cases
What impact do you think the next revaluation will have?
Office & industrial rents will jump and re-align with the market. Retail will drop.
A property is new at 1st March, what act would you use to add it to the roll?
LGS Act 1975. Sect 2(1)(b).
What are the empty rates liabilities for offices and industrial?
Office - 50% for 3 months, then 10% thereafter
Ind - 100% for 6 months, then 10% therafter.
In what circumstances do you get 100% relief?
listed building,
RV < £1,700,
by law it cannot be occupied,
is under a compulsory purchase order