LO 3.8 - 10 weeds at seedling stage (using common names) 5%. Flashcards
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Seedling Weeds
Cleavers (Galium aparine) (A)
* Cotyledons are large, oblong in shape, with a distinctive notch on the apex of the leaf blade
* True leaves arise in whorls or rings.
* Square stems with sticky hairs
* Leaves are opposite
Seedling Weeds
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Seedling Weeds
Annual Meadow grass (Poa annua) (A)
* Annual weed develops in poorly looked after lawns or poor seed
* Boat shape tips
* Can have crinkled leaves
* First leaves is known as a tiller
Seedling Weeds
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Seedling Weeds
Chickweed (Stellaria media) (A)
* Cotyledons: oval, pointed, light-coloured tip, bright green
* First true leaves: entire, hairy
* Hypocotyl: Long, red-purple
* Germination all year round
Seedling Weeds
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Seedling Weeds
Groundsel (Senecio vulgaris) (A)
* Cotyledons: are narrow, purplish underneath, stem purplish
* The first true leaves: have characteristic steplike teeth and are stalk less and smooth, with a dark shiny green colour.
Seedling Weeds
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Seedling Weeds
Willow herb spp (Epilobium spp) (A) (P)
* Cotyledons: small entire
* Hypocotyl: very short young seedlings lie close to the ground
* First true leaves very shiny, yellowish-green
* Germination: Peak time Jan, Apr, Aug, Sep, and Oct.
Seedling Weeds
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Seedling Weeds
Hairy bitter-cress (Cardamine hirsuta) (A)
* Cotyledons: are oval
* First true leaves: kidney shaped, hairy
* Later leaves: long stalks with pairs of leaflets
* Peak Germination: June - December
Seedling Weeds
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Seedling Weeds
Creeping wood sorrel (P) Oxalis autropururea
* The cotyledons: are oval to egg shaped and hairless, except for minute hairs along the edges that point upward.
* They Leaves are alternate. The first leaf has three leaflets that are broadly heart shaped.
Seedling Weeds
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Seedling Weeds
Fumitory (Fumaria officinalis) (A)
* Cotyledons are very long, narrow and light blue – green, borne on a pinkish stem.
* The first true leaves is pale green and divided into stalked ‘leaflets’
* Leaves are alternate
Seedling Weeds
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Seedling Weeds
Red Dead-nettle (Lamium purpureum) (A)
* Cotyledons: nearly vertical cotyledon stalks and horizontal blades make this seedling stand away from the ground
* Pronounced notch on stalk
* First true leaves : evenly notched with prominent, vains, hairy
Seedling Weeds
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Seedling Weeds
Mouse-eared chickweed (P) (Cerastium fontanum)
* Oval cotyledons:
* Ovate leaves opposite in pairs with conspicuous dense short hairs
* Germinates in spring
Seedling Weeds