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L5 - 2 - Plant Science
> LO 3.1 - Photosynthesis > Flashcards
LO 3.1 - Photosynthesis Flashcards
- Definition, function and plant parts involved - Process and chemical formula - Environmental factors affecting photosynthesis; light intensity, CO2 concentration, H2O availability, temperature and leaf loss and how grower may modify
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L5 - 2 - Plant Science
(40 decks)
LO 1.0 - Discuss the Structure and Function of Typical Plant External and Internal Anatomy
Final Exam Revision
LO 1.1 - Cells, Tissues, Ground
LO 1.2 - Roots
LO 1.3 - Stems
LO 1.4 - Leaves
LO 1.5 - Flowers
LO 1.6 - Comparing monocotyledons with dicotyledons
LO 2.0 - Illustrate Secondary Thickening
LO 2.1 - Meristems: primary and secondary
LO 3.0 - Outline Plant Processes and Their Relationship with Environmental Factors
LO 3.1 - Photosynthesis
LO 3.2 - Respiration
LO 3.3 - Transpiration
LO 3.4 - Mineral and water uptake
LO 4.0 - Outline the Life Cycle and Development of Plants
LO 4.1 - Seed structure and function
LO 4.2 - Vegetative plant growth and vegetative propagation
LO 4.3 - Flowering plant and sexual reproduction
LO 4.4 - Fruiting plant and fruit classification
LO 5.0 - Describe the Functions and Role of Plant Hormones
LO 5.1 - Auxin
LO 5.2 - Cytokinins
LO 5.3 - Gibberellins
LO 5.4 - Abscisic acid
LO 5.5 - Ethylene
LO 5.6 - Role of synthetic hormones in plant production
LO 6.0 - Apply Mendel’s Laws and Outline the Processes of Conventional Breeding
LO 6.1 - Apply Mendel’s Laws of inheritance to mono hybrid crosses
LO 7.0 - Outline the Processes of Production of First Filial Generation of Hybrid Seed
LO 7.1 - Identification and isolation of trait including
LO 8.0 - Outline the Main Characteristics of Micro-organisms
LO 8.1 - Fungi
LO 8.2 - Bacteria
LO 8.3 - Viruses
LO 9.0 - Investigate the system of plant classification
LO 9.1 - Principles
LO 9.2 - Divisions in the plant kingdom
LO 9.3 - Binomial system of nomenclature
LO 9.4 - Naming of hybrids