LL Rehabilitation Flashcards
Tissue adapting according to stress.
Compression, tension, bending, torsion, shearing.
Signal cells to produce new proteins -> matrix remodeling.
Promote healing of muscle, tendon, ligament, cartilage and bone.
Exercise Induced Hypoalgesia
Elevates pain threshold and tolerance.
Release of endogenous opioids (endorphins) and non-opioids (serotonin, norepinephrine, endocannabinoids).
Isometrics: >50% MVC until failure (5x45sec at 70%MVC).
Aerobic same affect at 75%VO2max for 10 min.
Resistance training also has affect.
Balance/proprioception/Neuromotor Exercises
Single leg stance
Toe the line/tandem walking
Walking on heels/toes, forward/backwards.
Star test
Single leg airplane/superman
Progression: add reactive components (catching a ball).
Balance for fall prevention: 2x week, 12 weeks.
Structured Neuromuscular Program
Fifa 11+
2x week, 20 min total.
Effective in reducing injury ACL and hamstring tears.
Rapid change in direction sport/cutting.
Neuromuscular/motor control Training
Prevents injury in female handball and football players.
3x week for 15min.
Should target specific deficits for each player.
Pain free, otherwise compensating.
Hip Strengthening in Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
Reduces pain faster than quad strengthening.
Hip abd (glut med) and ER (glut max) used to prevent knee from dropping in.
Glut med: side bridge to neutral, single leg squat, single leg deadlift.
Glut max: forward step up, single leg squat, single leg deadlift.
Adductor Strengthening
Injury prevention and rehab.
Gliding (eccentric) (tears usually in eccentric)
Copenhagen adductor exercise (isom ULeg, con. ecc. Lleg).
Hamstring Strengthening
Nordic curls for injury prevention! 2-3 weeks, 2-3 sets, 6-10 reps with 2 min rest.
L-protocol for rehabilitation (early stage, quicker rehab):
- Extender (tensile stretching of hams, quads working) 2x day, every day, 3 x 12 reps.
- Diver (eccentric lengthening): 1x every other day, 3 x 4 reps.
- Glider (eccentric lengthening): 1x every 3rd day, 3 x 4 reps.
Tendinopathy Exercises
Achilles: Eccentric calf raises (heel drops) can go up on uninjured.
Patella: Reverse nordic curl, single leg stand to sit (eccentric quads).
Gluteal: Single leg focus (runners). Side bridge to neutral. Side lying abd (focusing on eccentric)
Exercise prescription during injury - Phase 1
Acute. Approx. 5 days, longer if severe injury. Inflammatory phase.
Exercise prescription during injury - Phase 2
Mechanotherapy (increase tissue load tolerance), address biomechanics, unload injured tissue, maintain general condition.
Exercise prescription during injury - Phase 3
Replicate sport specific demands (controlled hopping, throwing)
-> return to sport.
Exercise prescription during injury - Phase 4
Prevent Re-injury