persona non grata -
person who is not welcomed
Rara Avis
a rare bird
in silvam ligna ferre
to bring lumber to the forest
ab imo pectore
from the bottom of my heart
momento mori
remember to die
mirabile dictu
amazing to say
dum vita est, spes est
while there is life, there is hope
vivite fugio -
live, i am fleeing
de mortuis nil nisi bonum -
say nothing but good about the dead
caveat emptor
let the buyer beware
caveat canis
beware of dog
cogito: ergo sum
I tthink therefore i am
tempus fugit
time flies
tempus omnia revelat
time reveals all
verbum sat sapienti
a word to the wise
in medias res
in the middle of things
suaviter in modo: foriter in re
gentle in manner; resolute in deed
de nihil nihilum
from nothing comes nothing
facilis descensus Averno
the descent to avernus is easy
scientia est pontentia
knowledge is power