EXAM living latin Flashcards
audax omnia perpeti
bold enough to endure all things
dum spiro, spero
while i breathe, I hope
ex nihilo nihil fit
nothing is made from nothin
nil desoerandum
never give up hope
ad astra per asera
to the stars through hard work
cum laude
with praise
magna cum laude
with great praise
summa cum laude
with highest praise
non scholae, sed vitae
not for school, but for life
alumnus (plural - i)
alumna (plural -ae)
a former student
alma mater
beloved mother
cedant arma togae
let weapons yeild to togas
silent enim leges inter arma
for the laws are silent in time of war
vigilia est pretium liberatis
the price of liberty is vigilance
casus belli
an occasion of war
dramatis personae
masks of drama
vita sine litteris mors est
life without letters is death
ars aris gratis
art for art’s sake
ars longa, vita brevis
art is long, but life is short
in absentia
in absense
vir sapit, qui pauca loquitur
he is wise who speaks little
dum vivimus, vivamus
while we live, let us live
gratia gratiam parit
kindness produces kindness
cum grano salis
with a grain of salt
terra incognito
unknown land
terra firma
solid eart
inter malleum et incudem
between the hammer and the anvil
errare humanum est
to error is humans
mea culpa
by my fault
patris est filius
he is his fathers son
fortes fortuna adiuvat
fortune favors the brave