Living German - Lesson 11 Flashcards
Vocab desert
die Nachspeise (-n)
Vocab on the radio
im Radio
Vocab this side of
diesseits - - preposition followed by genitive case
Vocab two helpings of apple cake
zweimal Apfelkuchen
Vocab to tread, step
treten (er tritt)
Vocab drive, trip
die Fahrt (-en)
Vocab hungry
Vocab waiter
der Kellner(-)
Vocab along
entlang - preposition followed by accusative case Follows the noun it governs
small sausage
das Würstchen (-)
Vocab Appetite
der Appetit
Vocab meal
die Mahlzeit (-en)
instead of
statt (anstatt) - preposition followed by genitive case
Statt des Schweinefleisches bringt der Kellner Fisch - instead of pork, the waiter brings fish
Vocab against
wider - preposition followed by accusative case
Vocab restaurant
das Restaurant (-s)
Vocab without
ohne - preposition followed by accusative case Er kommt ohne sein Buch
Vocab through
durch - preposition followed by accusative case Wir fahren durch das Dorf
Vocab the other side of
jenseits - preposition followed by genitive case
Vocab to find
Vocab to ask for
Vocab potato
die Kartoffel(-n)
Vocab room, hall
der Saal (die Säle)
Vocab midday
der Mittag(-e)
Vocab menu
die Speisekarte (-n)
Vocab to wave, sign
Vocab inside
innerhalb - preposition followed by genitive case
next, to begin with
Vocab where to, whither
wohin Wo ist er? - where is he? Wohin geht er? - where is he going to? Woher kommt er? - where does he come from?
Vocab full
Vocab driver
der Fahrer(-)
Vocab against
gegen - preposition followed by accusative case Er hat nichts gegen meinen Freund
preposition followed by accusative case
Vocab zur
contraction of zu der - to the
Vocab in spite of
trotz - preposition followed by genitive case
Trotz des Windes segelt er gut
Vocab they are still talking
Sie sprechen noch immer
preposition followed by genitive case
Sie spielt während des Tages
Vocab place, space
der Platz(“-e)
Vocab starters
die Vorspeise
Vocab for the sake of
um…willen - preposition followed by genitive case
Vocab to rain
Vocab Is this chair free (taken)?
Ist dieser Stuhl frei (besetzt)?
Vocab taxi
das Taxi (-s)
Vocab helping, serving
die Portion (-en)
Vocab interval, pause
die Pause (-n)
Vocab He clears a table
Er macht einen Tisch frei
high street
die Hauptstraße (-n)
Vocab around, about
um - preposition followed by accusative case Wir sitzen um den Tisch - we are sitting around the table
Vocab Entrance
der Eingang(“-e)
Vocab on account of, for
wegen - preposition followed by dative case
Wegen seiner Mutter geht er nicht aus - because of his mother, he doesn’t go out
preposition followed by genitive case
Die Dame wohnt außerhalb der Stadt
Vocab to order
Vocab pork
das Schweine-fleisch
Vocab orchestra
das Orchester (-)
Vocab hour
die Stunde (-n)
Vocab to begin
Vocab to stand
Vocab Fish
der Fisch(-e)
Vocab meal, food
das Essen
Vocab to call, exclaim
Vocab bill
die Rechnung (-en)