Living Beings Flashcards
bacteria and its types
bacteria are the most priitive unicellular and microscopic plant organisms. its type are:
- coccus (spherial bacteria: diplococci)
- spiral bacteria ( spirillium)
- rod -shaped bacteria ( bacillus: escherichia)
- comma shaped bacteria ( vibrio: vibrio cholera)
structure of bacteria
the cell of bacteria consists of a non living cell- wall ans a thin living membrane calle dplasma mambrane.
charecteistics of bacteria
- they don’t have well developed nucleus.
- cell wall is present in them
- they may live alone or in colonies
they reproduce asexually by fission.
advantages and disadvantages of bacteria
advantages: they are used for makign medicines like anibiotics.
- they help in digestion og food.
- some bacterias increase fertility in soil.
disadvantages: cause diseases in plants and animals
- they spoil food, milk, fruits and more
- they release toxins into food which causes food poisoning.
viruses and its types
viruses are sub- microscopic parasites that cause various diseases in plants and animals.
types: plant virus, animal virus and bacteriophage
living and non-living properties of viruses
living properties: they contain genetic material like DNA, they reproduce inside a host cell, they have and transmit hereditary charecteristics to their offspring.
non liviing properties: dont have cellular structure, dont perform metabolic activities
the cirus which attacks bacteria is called bacteriophage virus.
modes of transmissin
- through air, water and food
- through direct contanct with the infected
- through the droplets while coughing or sneezing
- through mosquito, houseflies, etc
fungi and its charecteristis
fungi are the plants without chlorophyll. they many be unicellular or multicellular.
- donot contain root, stem and leaves.
- chlorophyll is absent in them.
- they reproduce asexxually be budding, sporulation or fragmentation.
advantages and disadvantages of fungi
advantages: they act on dead and decayed bodies.
- fungi like mushrooms provide nutrition.
- fungi like yeast are used in bakery and wine industries.
- some fungi are used for making medicine.
modification of roots and its example
- for storage of food: raddish, turnip, carrot,etc.
- for mechanical suppoet: banyan, bamboo, maize,etc.
- for vital functions: hydrilla, water hyacinth, etc
modification of stem and its example
- underground modification: potatoes, onions, colacasia
- sub-aerial odification: grass, fern, etc.
- aerial modification: aloe vera, cactus, cucumber, etc
modification of leaf and its example
- plants like cactues, barberry, etc. have thorns in their leaves for protection.
- plants like pitcher plants, venus fly-trap have modified their leaves for catching insects.
- cactus, prickly pear have modified into spine to reduce loss of water.
- pea plants have modified their leaves unto tendrill for support.
seed and its stucture
the matured ovule that germinates into a new plant is called seed. a seed has 3 major parts. they are: embryo, endosperm/cotyladons, seed coat.
types of seed
monocot: the seed which only consists of only one cotyledon or seed leaf is called monocot seed.
dicot: the seed having two cotyledons or seed leaves is called dicot seed.
function and dispersal of seed
- functions: helps in sexual reproduction in flowing plants.
-help to store food. - seed coat protects the embryo.
dispersal of seed: the transport or movement of seeds away from the parent plant is called dispersal of seed. - by wind
- by water
- by explosion of fruits
- by animals and birds
germination of seed
the process by which an embryo of a seed grows into a seedling is called the germination of seed.
flower and its parts
flower is colorful and the most attractive part of a flowring plant, a complete flower consists of 4 parts: calys, corolla, androeciu and gynoeciym
pollination and its types
pollination is the tranfer of pollen granis from anter to stigma of the same flower or different flower.
self pollination: the transfer of pollen grains from the anther to stigma of the same flower.
cross pollination: the transfer of pollen grains from the anther of one flower of a plant to stigma of a flower of another plant of the same species.
the process of fusion of a male gamete and a female gamete to form a zygote is called fertilization.