Livestock Urinary - VanMetre Flashcards
This is a normal structure, an outpocketing of the urethral lumen located at the level of the ischium.
Urethral recess
This is the skin appendage from which the penis extrudes during breeding.
This is the thick mucosal lining (actually stratified sq epith) of the interior of the sheath. This mucous membrane reflects onto the penis
Why is it nearly impossible to pass a retrograde urinary catheter into the bladder of a male of castrated male ruminant, camelid, or pig?
The catheter will almost always become enlodged in the urethral recess
This is a common site for urinary calculi to become lodged and obstruct the urethra in cattle - due to its narrow diameter and abrupt change in direction
Sigmoid flexure
This is the narrowest part of the urethra in small ruminants (sheep and goat); urinary calculi tend to become lodged at this site. The second most common site in small ruminants is the _____
- Urethral process “Pizzle”
2. Sigmoid flexure
Why are female ruminants, pigs, and camelids less likely (rare actually!) to have urethral obstruction from calculi?
They have much shorter urethras, which are not surrounded by a fibrous tunic which allows them to easily distend
The ______ _______ is caudal and ventral from the urethral orifice in female ruminants, pigs, and camelids
Urethral diverticulum
*Can help you find the urethral orifice during palapation
Occasionally, the urachus (conduit for urine to exit the fetal bladder in utero) will remain open post-partum. What is the term for this?
Patent urachus
This should be kept in mind when evaluating a neonate with evidence of a UTI
Pigs, camelids, and small ruminants have a smooth, bean-shaped kidney similar to those of humans and domesticated animals. Which species has a lobulated kidney?
How do you collect urine in cattle? Cows vs bulls
Cows: Gently rub the perineum immediately ventral to the vulva - cow usually has to be standing
Cattle: lightly rub the preputial mucosa (sick your finger in the prepuce… yuuuuck)
How do you collect urine in a sheep?
Hold off its nose - the sheep typically urinate once they begin to struggle against the restraint
Normal USG in ruminants/camelids
pH is usually alkaline (7-8.5)
usually negative for protein, but a trace + on urine dipstick is common
When would ketones be elevated?
Negative for ketones in the normal animal; ketones can be elevated in postpartum dairy cows in a negative energy balance or small ruminants with pregnancy toxemia
What is the common name for Ulcerative Posthitis? What causes it? If the penis is involved, what is a more appropriate description?
Pizzle Rot!
Corynebacterium renale
This bacteria is part of the normal flora of prepuce of small ruminants, and it proliferates under conditions of high urea in the urine
Corynebacterium renale
- high protein feeds induce high conc of urea in urine
(e. g. alfalfa hay, legume hay) - the extra nitrogen is metabolized to urea
How do you treat pizzle rot?
Remove high protein diet!
Systemic antimicrobial
Penicillin) therapy and or/topical Abx ointment (triple antibiotic
This is a sporadic metabolic disease of intact and castrated male ruminants, camelids, and pigs. ____ form from precipitation of urinary minerals. Obstruction usually occurs in the _____
What are the major risk factors for urolithiasis?
- Dietary mineral imbalance - Ca, Mg, Pi
- Water intake - dry weather, unpalatable water, freezing
- Castration - smaller urethral diameter
- Gender - males»_space;» females
Phosphatic Calculi. These urolits are usually ____. They are finely granular, white to brown, and easily crumbled. Typical signalment is feedlot calves and lambs, show animals, on a high-grain diet, and pet goats on inappropriate diets.
Phosphatic Calculi - STRUVITES
Why are high grain diets a risk factor for phosphatic calculi (struvites)?
They are inherently high in phosphorus and low in calcium, they alsoinduce less rumination (cud chewing) & Less salivation (saliva normally aids in Pi excretion) so less saliva = more Pi excreted in urine
These are commonly found in range animals in the western US and Canada. The calculi are firm, beige to tan, and usually spherical
Silicate Calculi
The native rangeland grasses have high silicon content. Intermittent water deprivation assoc’d with grazing arid rangeland causes concentrated urine and silic acid precipitates to form silicate calculi
These are common with high Ca diets such as clover and alfalfa hays or pastures, and when commercial diets designed for lactating animals are used in non-lactating animals. These stones are typically gold in color and resemble BBs.
Ca Carbonate
These occur in animals eating high Ca diet. There may be some additional risk by ingestion of plants containing ___ = such as rhubarb, peanuts, pig weed, and lambs quarters. Overzealous dietary supplementation with _____ acid (vit C) can promote these.
Ca oxalate
Ascorbic acid
- this is metabolized in the liver to oxalate, which is excreted in the urine