Lameness Evaluation - Palmer Flashcards
Alteration of normal gait due to pain or mechanical dysfunction
3 main causes of Lameness
- Pain: OS, fracture, tumor
- Mechanical dysfunction: quadriceps contracture
- Combination: patellar luxation
A tightening or shortening of a muscle
Muscle contracture
List the 6 steps of Lameness Evaluation
- Signalment
- Hx
- Gait Observation
- PE
- Imaging
- Invasive diagnostics
What is the signalment
Age, breed/sp, gender
DAMNITV DDx Categories
D: Degenerative*, Developmental+ A: Anomalous+, Autoimmune M: Metabolic N: Neoplastic*, Nutritional+ I: Inflammatory, Infectious, Immune, Idiopathic T: Traumatic, Toxic V: Vascular
*: more common in mature animals
+: more common in immature animals
No detectable lameness at any gait
Grade 0
Barely perceptible lameness
Grade 1
Mild or inconsistently apparent, WB lame
Grade 2
Moderate, obviously apparent, WB lame
Grade 3
Severe, predominantly WB lame
Grade 4
Severe, predominantly, non-WB lame
Grade 5
When you are observing patient’s gait… circling will stress the _____ limb
When you are noting ‘head-bobbing’… down on ____, up on ____
Down on SOUND
Up on LAME
Sense of limb position in space
Conscious proprioception
Subluxation vs Luxation
Subluxation is a partial dislocation of a joint
Luxation occurs when there is an abnormal separation in the joint, where two or more bones meet
What does the Ortolani Sign test for?
Hip Joint LAXITY
(not traumatic luxation)
Degree of Reduction - as hip is being abducted
Degree of Subluxation - as hip is being adducted
The thumb pinch test is used to test for _______ hip ______, NOT hip joint ______
cranio-dorsal hip luxation
not hip joint laxity
When performing the thumb pinch test, you place your thumb in the space between the _____ and the _____. The limb is then _______ rotated
GT and Tuber Ischii
Externally rotated
The Triangle Test is used to test for _____ hip luxation
What are the 3 landmarks used in the Triangle Test
GT, tuber ischii, and crest of ilium
If you are doing the triangle test and cannot find the GT, what happened?
Ventral luxation - displaced ventrally and medially
The _____ ______ Test is used to test for biceps tendinopathy
Biceps Traction Test
When looking a hip rads, ___% of the head of the femur should be covered by the acetabulum