Liver Function Tests Lecture Powerpoint Flashcards
No liver # on an LFT is a true reflection of…
….liver function
Liver enzyme panel components and normal ranges (5)
- albumin NL 3.5
- AST/ALT NL 50 (measure of hepatocellular injuries, ALT correlates with abdominal adipose and is more specific to liver injury or death, AST correlates with skeletal muscle injury)
- Alk phos NL 120 (liver and bones)
- total bilirubin NL 1.8
- direct bilirubin NL 1.0
ALT/AST measures
Slight elevations indicate low grade inflammation, high elevations indicate acute liver injury/necrosis, but normal does not mean no inflammation
Alkaline phosphatase measures
Indicator of bile duct inflammation (obstruction, autoimmune, infection, etc.), can be elevated secondarily in pregnancy
Bilirubin/alk phos measures
Prehpatic jaundice is due to elevated unconjugated bilirubin, hepatic is both conjugaed and unconjugated elevated, post hepatic is elevated conjugated bilirubin in serum
Albumin measures
Non specific, somewhat related to liver function but also related to nutritional status, can lead astray (usually suggests chronic disease such as cancer or cirrhosis)
ALT/AST elevated out of proportion to alk phos think ___, vise versa think ___
liver inflammation, obstruction (cholestatic pattern)
Isolated hyperbilirubinemia should indicate the first test to order to be…
….fractionate it to determine amount of conjugated vs unconjugated
Isolated hyperbilirubinemia primarily conjugated think ____ or ____. Unconjugated think ____ or ____
Dubin Johnson, Rotor syndrome
Gilbert’s syndrome, Crigler Najjar syndrome
Most important test to evaluate liver function
INR (coumadin will mess it up) (INR that does not correct with parenteral vit K is suspicious for severe hepatocellular injury)
____ may be the first sign of liver disease even years before liver disease is diagnosed
Low platelet count
Extraneous labs to order in initial lab eval (acute) of liver patient (3)
- tox screen
- tylenol level
- acute viral hep panel
Acute liver failure definition
Acute hepatocellular injury, hepatic encephalopathy (confusion), and prolonged PT (elevated INR), LFT’s typically >10x upper limits of normal, may need transplant if INR continues to rise
Most common cause of drug induced liver injury + 2 others
- Acetaminophen (hepatocellular pattern)
- augmentin (cholestatic pattern)
- ionazid
Initial first line study for suspected liver disease
Right upper quadrant ultrasound (can do with doppler)
CT of liver/biliary tract
2nd line study behind ultrasound to assess liver damage, more expensive, limited due to contrast requires kidney functioning, but not limited by obesity, ascites, or overlying bowel gas
MRI of liver/biliary tract
Useful for noninvasively visualizing hepatobiliary tree without having to use endoscopy, but very dependent on patient compliance
Liver biopsy
Either ultrasound or CT guided most often percutaneous, indicated in diagnosis, staging, prognosis, and treatment options of liver dz, risks include pain (most common), bleeding, infection
Transjugular liver biopsy
Access to the liverr thru the superior vena cava and the hepatic vein, does not traverse liver capsule so limits risk of intraperitoneal hemorrhage but allows for measurement of hepatic venous pressure gradient at same time (check for portal hypertension)
General liver disease advice (5)
- no alcohol
- vaccinate hepA/B
- limit acetaminophen no more than 2 grams a day
- avoid raw seafood
- control weight, cholesterol, diabetes