GI Radiology Lecture Powerpoint Flashcards
Abdominal x ray advantages and disadvantages
+widely available, low cost, portable, no prep
-less sensitive and low specificity compared to CT, not indicated for trauma or solid organ assessment
Abodminal contrast fluoroscopy
A “video” contrast study for barium swallow or small bowel follow thru to diagnose disorders of the esophagus or intestine
Abdominal ultrasound advantages and disadvantages
+cost effective, adequate for visceral visualization, no radiation
-operator dependent, poor in obesity, interference
Abdominal CT scan advantages and disadvantages
+accurate and quick, distinguishes bowel/gas/bone
-radiation, contrast reaction
Oral vs IV contrast
Oral such as barium is used for bowel opacification and not nephrotoxic, IV is iodine based for vascular structures or solid abdominal and pelvic regions
Nonenhanced CT is indicated with these situations (4), while contrast enhanced is indicated in these (5)
- head trauma
- spine
- diffuse lung disease (not PE)
- suspected kidney stone
-acute appendicitis, cancer staging, diverticulitis, pancreatitis, suspected PE
MRI advantages and disadvantages
+superior soft tissue contrast resolution, no ionizing radiation, safer alternative in renal failure, liver specific contrasts
-metallic implants, long procedure time, increased expense and availability
Endoscopic retrograde ccholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
Invasive procedure that uses endoscopy to directly visualize bile duct, most effective for choledocholithiasis and used as diagnoistic and treatment of stones, tumors, bile duct strictures, stent placement, risks include pancreatitis, bleeding, perforation
Hepatobiliary iminodiacetic acid scan (HIDA)
Nuclear medicine scan where a radiotracer is injected IV for imaging of gallbladder and biliary tree, most useful for acute cholecystitis
“Stack of coins” sign
X ray visual where small bowel folds are smoothly and uniformly thickened caused by intramural bleeding
“Free air under the diaphragm”
A finding on a chest x ray where there is separation of the diaphragm above the bowel contents indicative of bowel perforation causing peritonitis allowing for bacteria to potentially cause sepsis
Bird beak sign
A finding on a barium swallow where the lower esophageal spincer fails to open due to a variety of obstructive reasons
Zollinger ellison and what study is used to visualize it?
A tumor secreting gastrin from pancreas into the stomach that can cause hyper acidity in patients that causes erosion of the walls and rugae thickening
Barium contrast
Pyloric stenosis and “olive sign”
Common pediatric disease in newborns 3 weeks where they consistently throw up due to occlusion of the pylorus visible on a barium contrast study as “olive sign”
Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP)
Test of choice to examine diseases of liver, gallbladder, bile ducts, pancreas, and pancreatic duct to evaluate tumors, stones, inflammation or infection, is non invasive and has high sensitivity with highly detailed images but should not be used in patients with decreased renal function
Sentinal loop
Short segment of adynamic ileus close to intra-abdominal inflammatory process in cases such as pancreatitis or appendacitis visualized on x ray in a patient with abdominal pain
Intussusception places a person at significant risk for…
….bowel ischemia and necrosis
Sausage sign or target sign
Visualizations on a ultrasound or CT respectively that are indicative of intussusception of the bowel
Coffee bean sign
Torsion of the bowel around the mesentary resulting in bowel obstruction (a volvulus) indicated on x ray
Fecolith seen on imaging study, when associated with abdominal pain, has a 90% probability of being…
…acute appendicitis
Apple core lesion
A visualization on a CT study in the large bowel indicative of a colon cancer presence
Cobblestoning and skip lesions and string sign
Visualizations on a contrast imaging study that are indicative of crohns caused by inflammation and swelling of the bowel wall
Collar button ulcers and double tracking ulcers
Visualizations on a radiographic study that is indicative of ulcerative colitis seen with indentations of the large intestine
Thumbprint sign (GI)
A radiographic sign of the large bowel wall thickening usually caused by mucosal edema from an infective or inflammatory process