Liver Function Tests Flashcards
What is the immediate precursor of bilirubin formation?
In the Evelyn - Malloy method, bilirubin is:
Azobilirubin is the pink or purple compound formed
The total bilirubin component of serum consists of direct and indirect bilirubin. What is the best description for direct bilirubin?
Water soluble
If the total bilirubin is 4.3 mg/dL and conjugated bilirubin is 2.1 mg/dl, what is the unconjugated bilirubin?
2.2 mg/dL
Coupling promoters that maybe used for bilirubin determination
Methyl alcohol and caffeine sodium
Dubbin-Johnson syndrome is characterized by?
Inability to excrete conjugated bilirubin
The complex that is formed after bilirubin couples with diazotized sulfanilic acid is:
It is considered as obstructive bilirubin if:
There is obstruction of the biliary ract
disease states is conjugated bilirubin a major serum component?
Biliary obstruction
Kernicterus is the abnormal accumulation of bilirubin in which tissue?
Brain tissue
When the RBS outlives its 120 lifespan, it disintegrates, hemoglobin is released and converted to bile pigments primarily by the?
Which of the following is the correct SI unit and conversion factor for bilirubin ?
Mol/L = 17.1
One of the following is not a cause of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia.
Constricted bile ducts
If the cause of the unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia is the absence of the enzyme conjugating system, UDPGT, the condition is known as:
Criglerr-Najjaf syndrome
The greatest activities of serum AST and ALT are seen in which condition
Acute hepatitis