Liver Disease Flashcards
Liver functions
- Synthesis & metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins & drugs
- Metabolism of bilirubin and bile acids
Bilirubin metabolism
Bilirubin is the breakdown product of haem
Bilirubin is hydrophobic and so is conjugated in the liver to make it more soluble
Characterised by a yellowing of the sclera and skin due to high serum bilirubin levels
Characteristic of liver disease
Haemolytic jaundice
Occurs due to the increased breakdown of erythrocytes
Blood will show a decreased red cell count and increased reticulocyte count
Congenital hyperbilirubinaemia
Associated with Gilbert’s syndrome
UDP-glucuronyl transferase deficiency
Cholestatic jaundice
Occurs due to abnormal bile excretion or obstruction of the biliary system
Inflammation of the liver
Symptoms = enlarged liver, tender liver, jaundice
Serum transferase will be characteristically elevated
Acute hepatitis
Causes = hepatitis B & C, non-viral infections, alcohol, drugs, pregnancy
Mostly self-limiting
Chronic hepatitis
Causes = viral infections, chemical stimuli, autoimmune responses
Sustained inflammatory disease may lead to necrosis
Hepatitis A
Caused by the HAV virus
Spread via the faecal-oral route
Leads to acute viral hepatitis because the viruses themselves are cytotoxic
Usually self-limiting
Vaccine available
Hepatitis B
Causes by the HBV virus
Spread via close personal contact
Liver becomes damaged by an immune-mediated T-cell responses
Has a long incubation period and there is a risk of chronic hepatitis
Anti-virals and a vaccine available
Hepatitis C
Caused by the HCV virus
Spread in the blood
Liver becomes damaged by an immune-mediated T-cell response
Has a short incubation period and there is a risk of chronic hepatitis
Anti-virals available
Vaccine difficult to develop
Cirrhosis is the end result of a variety of diseases
It is due to chronic liver damage and is irreversible
Necrosis of liver cells may lead to fibrosis, causing nodules in the liver
This impairs liver function
Causes of cirrhosis
- Viruses
- Alcohol
- Autoimmune diseases
- Wilson’s disease
Symptoms of cirrhosis
- Jaundice
- Fever
- Hair loss
- Gynamecomastia