live transplants Flashcards
what type of live transplants are there
kidney-paired and alturistic
liver- split
physcial impact on the donor
-psot op pain
-opioid pain medication
-decreased excersie while recovering
emotional and social impact on donor
-social disruption
-time off work
-potential financial strain
-mood changes
family-needs to look after them
source for donor
jowsey, 2014
impact on recipient physcial
-antisuppressants for life
-inability to work for longer
-decreased excerise
emotional impact for recipients
-more reluctant to talk about it
-equal anxiety about the viability and function of organ
-higher the age=less worry less guilt more chance of speedy recovery
source for recipient
griva, 2002
nurses role in live transplant
-prevent, detect and treat other health issues before surgery
-need to have a clear understaning of recent protocols
-understand immunology and pharmacology
-educating patient
-help patient with their phsycial and emotional wellbeing
-support family
-promote good support system
source for nurses role
mendez, 2012