Lithosphere,Atmospehre,Hydrosphere Flashcards
The lithosphere is
- made up of
- contains
- Hard shell cover of the Earth
- Is made up of the upper mantle and the crust
- Contains important energy resources that we use
- These energy resources are often transformed into electricity so that our appliances can function and homes can be heated
Energy Resources Lithosphere
- Fossil fuels
- oil,natural gas, cole
- form from dead plants and animals that were subjected to a lot of pressure over hundreds of years
- Oxidation reactions: CxHy -CO2 + H2O+energy
- Advtanges: cheap and easy source of energy
- Disadvatanges: Limited supply (greenhouse gases are released),
- SO2 and NOX are also products of fossil fuel combustion and are resposnble for acid raain
Energy Resources (Lithosphere)
- 2.
- Nuclear Energy
- Uranium is a radioactive (cancer causing) element that occurs naturally in the Earth’s crust.
- Splitting the nucleus of an uranium atom releases a lot of energy.
- Advantage: produces lots of nergy, no greenhouse gases
- Disadvantage: Produces waste products that are radioactive for hundreds of years, unable to store because of how dangerous it is
- Geothermal Energy
- Energy that comes from the heat that is inside the Earth (ground)
- Only used where hot rocks are located
- Disadvantage: Geothermal energy is expensive due to the need of drilling.
- If all permafrost thaws…
- Melting permafrost can lead to: (5)
- Large areas of frozen soil
- 50% of Canada’s land is permafrost
- Upper layer can thaw so that plants grow
- If all permafrost thaws= microogranisms trapped inside would thaw and emit enormous amount of methane CH4 a greenhouse gas
- land above it sinks or changes shape. Sinking land can damage buildings and infrstructure such as roads,airports and water sewer pipes
- Landlisdes can occur because melted soil slipps off the frozen layer underneath
- Carbon dioxide and methane are relased to the atmosphere=intensification of greenhouse effect (when the permafrost melts, organic matter in it decomposes, releasing CO2 and CH4
- Type and number of plant species growing on the soil may change
- Greater access of nutrients and a longer and warmer season, more plants will grow
- What is atmosphere?
1. Energy Resource - Wind causes…
- Wind turbines…
- Layers of air around the Earth
1. Wind energy: - The wind causes the turbines to rotate=generator converts the mechanical energy into electrical energy
- Wind turbines are huge reaching up to 120 m high. When wind hits the huge blades, they activate an electrcic generator, One megawatt turbine can produce enough electricity to supply 150-300 households.
- Advantages: renweable energy source, do not produce greenhouse gas
- Wind is unpredictable,cannot be stores, visually unappealing and expensive
Removal of CO2 from atmosphere
- Phtosynthesis begins the storage process by converting CO2 into sugars
- Ingestion: animals eating plants
- Dead organisms and waste products store CO2 in them when they die
- Sea organisms are composed of calcium carbonate (dissolved carbon dioxide in water)
Addition of CO2 to atmopshere
- Respiration and fermentation, process that breaks down molecules to release useful energy return CO2 to atmosphere
- Combustion of fossil fuels
- Decomposition of dead matter return CO2 to atmosphere
- Deforestation of forest fires also pumo CO2 back into the atmosphere
Greenhouse effect
Why is the temperature rising and there is global warming?
- Natural process that allows the earth to retain some of the heat it receives from the sun
- The sun’s rays reach Earth and is absorbed by the ground
- One heated, the ground releases infrared rays into the atmosphere. Some of these rays pass through our atmosphere and are lost into space.
- Greenhouse gases (CO2) trap some of the infrared rays and send them back to heat the Earth
- We are releases too much CO2 into the air bc we are burning too much fossil fuel and so more infra heat is trapped on Earth. As a result the temp is rising and there is global warming.
The hydrosphere is
- What percentage is the earth’s surface covered by water?
- Most of the water on the earth is
- Where is most of the earth’s fresh water found?
- The hydropshere is the layer of the earth that contains all of the bodies of water
- Includes: Surface water (oceans.lakes), Ground water, Ice pack snow Water in atmosphere (water vapour)
- 71%
- Salt water
- Glaciers,Undeground,Ground ice and permafrost,water vapour,lakes rivers and swamps
- Inland waters
- Catchment area
- Water currents
- Surface currents
- Winds move
- Lakes,rivers,underground water=connect with each other
- An area that drains water into one location (watershed or drainage basin), (St. Lawrence, Great Lakes)
- Water in oceans that is in constant movement due to ocean currents. Combination of water movement due to surface currents,subsurface current and rotation of Earth.
- carry water deep as 400 m and are caused by wind. Move water across horizontally
- Winds move warm water away from the equator and cool water from the poles
- Subsurface currents
- affected by
- what has a tendency to sink
- what has a tendency to rise
- what creates subsurface movements
- what causes an increase in density, leadsing to what?
- caused by desnity of water. Denisty is affected by:
- tempoersture of water
- the salinity of water
- Salt and cold water is dense, tendency to sink.
- Less salty and warm water is less dense, has a tendency to rise.
- These movements create subsurface currents
- Cold air and warm air both cause an increase in density=subsurface currents
- What results in thermohaline circulation?
- How does it function
- What does thermohaline circulation do?
- combination of surface and subsurface currents
- Functions like a conveyer belt which moves warm and cold water around the Earth
- Regulates our climate preventing extreme cold at the poles and extreme heat around the equator
- Salinity
- salinity increases…
- Salinity is the
- Why is water in the ocean saline
- Near equator
- Near polar regions
- Near Red abd Dead sea
- Measure of how much salt is dissolved in a liquid
- Salinity of the water increases, densiy also increases and vice-versa
- Concentration of salt in a solution=salinity
- Water in oceans is saline becayse salts from the lithisphere are dissolved in it
- Near the equator, ocean has a higher salinity. Water evaporates at a greater rate due to high temperatures, creating a higher salt content.
- Near polar regions, ocean water has a lower salinity. resh water (pack ice and glaciers) enter the oceans diluting the salt water, reducing salinity
- Red and Dead Sea is very salty because its so hot that there is not that much water, so it’s salinity is very high.
Pack ice
- formed on..
- ocean water freezes…
- Slabs of ice are transported…
- Where do they float?
- Melting due to global warming causes (2)
- Formed on the surface of the ocean due to cold temperature, which freezes the top layer of the water
- Ocean water freezes=salt is eliminated
- Slabs of ice are tranpsorted by the wind and accumulate throughout the winter months
- Float in oceans
- Melting of pack ice due to global warming causes:
- Eliminate habitats of animals (polar bear, penguin)
- Increase in temperature (less reflection of sun energy)
- Fresh water %
- What are they
- Global warming causes them to…
- The melting glaciers are: (2)
- 69% of fresh water
- Huge masses of ice slowly flowing over land
- Global warming=glaciers at the poles to melt
- causing the oceans to rise, endangering coastal communities such as Cali
- Diluting the ocean by the addition of fresh water. change in salinity is affecting the thermohaline circulation which accounts for much of the oceanic heat transport that regulates climate.
Energy resource from the hydrosphere
- Hydroelectrcity
- When dam gates are opened the water rushes through pipes that lead to a turbine
- Force of water spins the turbine
- Turbine is connected to an alternator that converts the mechanical energy to electric current (electricity)
- Amount of electricity generated depends on the efficiency and type of generator and altenator used
- Advantages: Completely renewable resource, Creates very little greenhouse gases
- Disadvantages: Creating a reservoir that floos many square km around it destroying ecosystems, Can contribute to merucy concentrations in water (water-fish-humans)
Hydroelectricity energy resources
- Tidal Energy
- Tidal power plants operates much like a hydroelectric power plant
- rise and fall of oceans tide cause the turbine to spin and generae electricity
- Amount of electricity generated also depends on the efficiency and tyoe of generator
- Tide range of 5 m is necessary to use this technology
- Advantages: low greenhouse gas, renewable
- Disadvantage: Requires significant change from high to low tide
Hydroelectricity natural resources
3.Waves and Ocean Current
- Wave energy is produced when the energy containes in the movement of water is harneesed using buoys which rise and fall with the waves
- Ocean currents are able to spin underwater turbines, whcih are similar to wind turbines. The mechanical energy prudced by the movement of the buoys and blades can be converted into electrical energy
- Harnessing energy from waves and ocean currents is not yer widespread due to the fact that they are too expensive
- Advatange:clean and renewable
- Disadvnatge: Has a big affect on marine life and habitats because it’s pff shore, expensive
- Biosphere
- Biodiversity
- Individual
- Populations
- Community
- Ecosystem
- Example
- The layer around Earth containing all living organisms
- Describes all the different types of species
- Is one organism or living thing
- A group of individuals of the same species
- A set of populations of different species sharing same habitat
- Community of living organisms interacting with one aother and the non living components of the environment they inhabit
- Pop of pine tree+pop of maple tree+pop of cedar tree=community of trees
- A pack of wolves
- Wolves hunting a caribou herd
- A lone wolf
- A pack of wolves drinking from a lake
- Trophic relationships (food chains)
1. Individual,Community,Population,Ecosystem
- Population
- Community
- Individual
- Ecosystem
- Are the feeding connections between living things in an ecosystem
- Indvidual: A
- Population: AAA
- Community: AAA,BBB,CCC
- Ecosytem: AAA,BBB,CCC,non living
- Trophic levels:
* The trophic levels are:
- Are positions of each living organisms in a food chain
* The trophic relations are: - Producers: (Autrotrophs): Are at the bottom of the food chain, usually plants because they produce organic (living) matter, such as fruits and vegetables, out of sunlight, water, nutrients and CO2 (photosynthesis)
- Consumer (Heterotrophs): Organisms that feed on other living organisms, you have primary consumers (herbivore), secondary consumer (carnivore) and tertiary consumers
- Decomposer (Fungi): Organisms that feed on the waste and dead remains (detritus) of other living organisms.
- Food Wed or Trophic Network
- Ecological succession
- A visual representation of different trophic relationships in an ecosystem.
- A series of changes that the earth undergoes after the disturbances so that it could restore the ecosystem. Could take hundreds of years, one change leads to another change
- Disturbances
1. 2.
- Events that damage the ecosystems
- Natural disturbancesL Volcanic eruption, earhquale,forest fire, etc
- Deforestation, oil spills, mining, etc
- biogeochemical cycle
- carbon cycle
- set of processes by which an element passes from one enivronemtn to the next and eventually returns. Is a loop
- a biogeochemical cycle involving the exhange of carbon on earth