Chapter 1 sec 4 Flashcards
What is the period table of elements?
What does the staircase represent?
- Is a visual representation of the elements in groups according to their physical and chemical properties.
- Separates metals from non-metals
- The atomic number
- Atomic mass
- Proton
- Electron
- Neutron
- The number of protons in the nucleaus of an atom. Distinguishes 1 element from another.
- The mass of an atom of an element measured in atomic mass unit
- Atomic particles found in a nucleus. Carries positive nucleaus charge
- atomic particles that is negatively charged
- Found in the nucleaus and has no electrical charge
- Proton = p+
- Electrons =e-
- Neutrons= n•
- Atomic number: p+=e-
- Atomic mass: p+-n•
- n•=atomic mass-atomic number (bottom #-top#)
- H
- He
- Li
- Be
- B
- C
- N
- O
- F
- Ne
- Na
- Mg
- Al
- Si
- P
- S
- Cl
- Ar
- K
- Ca
- Hydrogen
- Helium
- Lithium
- Berilium
- Boron
- Carbon
- Nitrogen
- Oxygen
- Fluorine
- Neon
- Sodium
- Magnesium
- Aluminum
- Silicon
- Phosphorus
- Sulfur
- Chlorine
- Argon
- Potassium
- Calicum
Other elements to know as well:
- Fe:Iron
- Zn:Zinc
- Ni: Nickle
- Cu:Copper
7 Characteristics of metals
(non-metals are exact opposite)
- Lustrous
- Malleable
- Ductile
- Soilid at room temperature
- Conducts heat
- Conducts electricity
- Left of staircase of P.T
- What are metalloids?
- Name 4 important metalloids
Metalloids have both characteristics of metals and non-metals
- Boron
- Silicon
- Germanium
- Arsenine
- How many groups in the periodic table?
- Each column is called a group or family because they have the same characteristics
- What is a family/column
- What is period/row
- 18 groups
- A family/column are the roman numerals in the front of A or B that represent the number of valence electrons
- A period/row represents the number of electrons shells
Name and describe all 8 families of the periodic table
- Alkali Metals :1 Valent electron,found naturally in compounds,highly reactive…
- Alkaline-Earth Metals: 2 valent electrons, highly mealleable and reactive. Burns easily in presence of heat
- Boron Family: 3 valent electrons.
- Carbon Family: 4 valent electrons
- Nitrogen Family: 5 valent electrons
- Oxygen Family: 6 valent electrons
- Halogens: 7 valent electrons. Reacts to compounds and salt. Several are disinfectants
- Inert or Noble gases: 8 valence electrons, extremely stable.
IMPORTANT: Hydrogen is in column one but is not part of alkali metals (it’s a gas)
Helium only has 2 valence electrons but is in the noble gases family
Ball and stick model

- Write the symbols of the element
- Determine the number of valnce electrons by looking at the family/column
- Put dots around the symbol to represent each of the valence electrons

Bohr-Rutherford Model
- Draw the nucleaus and write inside the number of protons it has
- Draw the shells (cirlces) around the nucleaus (number of shells=period number)

- What are Ions?
- Atoms lose or gain electrons because
- Atoms that have become electrically charged by losing or gaining one or more electrons
- They tend to want to become more stable by acquiring a full valence shell (similae to one of the noble gases)
Ions tendiencies and family names
- Hydrogen
- Lithium
- Berilium
- Boron
- Carbon
- Nitrogen
- Oxygen
- Fluorine
- Helium
- Neon
- Lose or gain 1 electron (H+, H-)
- Alkali—Lose 1 electron (Li+)
- Alkaline Earth—Lose 2 electrons (Be 2+)
- Boron—Lose 3 electrons (B 3+)
- Carbon—Gain or lose 4 electrons (C4+,C4-)
- Nitrogen—Gain 3 electrons (N3-)
- Oxygen—Gain 2 electrons (O 2-)
- Halogens—Gain 1 electron (Fe-)
- Inert Gases—None (He)
- Intert Gases—None (Ne)
- Is it possible to remove or add a proton to an atom?
- Is it possible to remove or add a electron to an atom?
- What is an ion?
- What is the charge of an atom that loses 3 electrons?
- What is the charge of an atom that gains 2 electrons?
- What is the maxium number of electrons that can fit in the:
- First shell of an atom
- Second shell
- Third shell
- No
- Yes
- Electrically charged atoms
- 3+
- 2-
- 2
- 8
- 8
Matter is anything that has
mass and colume
Matter is divided into (and definitons)
- Particle Therory/Model
Mixtures: matter made up of different particles
Pure substances: Matter made up of a single type of particle
- All matter is made up of particle (atoms por molecules) that we cannot see
State of matter:
Definitions of solid,liquid,gas
Matter can be in 3 different states: solid,liquid,gas
- Solids :hold their own shape,the particles are packed close together in order.They have very little energy and can only vibrate
- Liquids: take the shape of teir container, particles are loosely packed,they have medium energy and move around slowly
- Gases: spread out to fill the entire container given.Lots of energy, particles move around quickly
- smallest particles of matter to exist
- 118 different types of atoms
- All matter is made up of atoms
- Groups of atoms joined by chemical bonds
- The atoms can be the same or different
- Ex: Molecule h20 an be divided into 2 Hydrogren and 1 Oxygen
- Pure Substance:
- Elements: Only one type of atom (1 capital letter),different size and mass
- Compounds: particles with more than one type of element. All compounds are molecules but not all molecules are compounds.
M=2 of same or different atoms
C=2 different atoms
Compounds are molecules but not all molecules are compounds
- Dalton Model
- The Thompson Model
- The Rutherford Model
- The Rutherford-Bohr Model
- Atom is an Indivisible sphere like a marble . Atoms combine together to make different compounds
- Discovered the electron.Atom is positive material with negative paricles (cathode rays or electrons)
- Discovered the nucleus. He shot atomic particles on a gold leaf and found out that the atom is mainly empty space consiting of a tiny positive nucles with electrons (cathode rays) circling outside the nucleus.
- Atoms consist of more than one energy level.
- Who discovered the electron?
- Who discovered the nucleus?
- Are electrons inside or outside the nucleus?
- Are protons inside or outisde the nucleus?
- What is a neutral atom?
- Who assumed that the atom is a solid sphere?
- Thompson
- Rutherford
- Outisde
- Inside
- Same number of protons and electrons
- Dalton
- What is a valence electron?
- What is an electron shell?
- The amount of electrons on the outter shell of an atom
- How many shells there are per atom