Literature Flashcards
What is literature
Literature refers to the written word. It could take various forms (plays, novels, short stories, poerty)
Define fiction
Stories/ information that is created by the writer
Define non-fiction
Information, facts, statistics that are true.
Define genre
This refers to the type of literature
Define plot
The sequence of events/ the storyline that is developed by the author.
Define plot structure
The arrangement of the plot and narrative
Define the exposition
The portion of a story that introduces important background information to the audience
Define rising action
Where the story builds up to the climax
This is the longest part of the plot
Define climax
The turning point, which changes te Protagonist’s fate.
Define falling action
Where the plot starts to “warp up”
Define denouement
This is the resolution of events
Define characterisation
The characters physical appearance and how it affects the and their behavior. Their personalities Their actions and how it affects: •the plot •the other characters •themselves What other characters say about them
What are foils
Contrasting characters that set the Protagonist off to advantage or disadvantage
What is an antagonist
The character or thing which causes conflict in the plot
Describe round or dynamic characters
- well-developed
- undergo an important change in personality
- come to some sort of realisation that causes this change
- are changed by the events of the plot
- can be both good and bad
- realistic and life-like
- not easily defined
- can learn to adjust to different situations
- normally Protagonists
Describe flat or static characters
- not well-developed and remain the same throughout the story
- do not learn from their mistakes
- are not changed by the events of the story
- are there to “drive” the plot
- never good and bad but one-dimensional
- easily defined
- stereotypical or “stock” characters
- mostly minor characters
- can also be the antagonist
Describe an anti-hero
A major character, usually the Protagonist
•lacks the usual dignity and morals of a hero
Describe a symbolic character
They are major and minor characters whose very existence represents some major idea or aspect of society.
What is narration
This refers to the way the story is told by the narrator
Define point if view
Related to narration and is about from whose point of view the events are presented
What are the 3 types of narration
First person narration
Third person narration
Second person narration
Describe first person narration
- told from a personal(Protagonist) point of view- the narrator is a part of the story
- uses pronouns ‘me’ and ‘I’
- not always a reliable type of narration and we should question the accuracy of the narrator’s depiction of events as the narrator will usually be subjective
Describe third person narration
•the story is told from the perspective of someone who is viewing the action
•there are 2 types:
-3rd person limited:this narrator is restricted to reporting only on what they see and hear and uses the pronouns: he; she; they
-third person omniscient: this means all-knowing and all-seeing. This narration knows the actions, thoughts, feelings, motivations, events, future, past of the plot and characters. This is the most reliable form of narration as the narrator has the ‘full’ background to everything and is objective
Describe the second person narration
- the narrator is speaking directly to the reader and uses the words “you” and “your.” There may also be the use of “dear reader” or “as you will know…”
- this type of narration is typically used to guide or instruct the reader. The use of the point of view is rare.
Define setting
This is the time and place in which the novel is set
Describe the 2 types of conflict
External which involves disagreement, differences or confrontation between characters
Internal which is conflict within a character and is usually emotional, psychological or spiritual in nature
What Is a theme
The central ideas of the text and can be found throughout the course of a text
What Is a symbol
It Is an image, person or thing that represents something else more meaningful.
What is a motif
A recurring idea or image that is shown several times in a text
What is foreshadowing
When the text gives us a clue about something which is going to happen later in the text
What is irony
The difference between what actually happens and what might be expected to happen
What does irony help to Create
Tension and humour
What Is attitude
What the writer thinks or feels about his subject or audience
What is tone
Tone is generally conveyed through the choice of words or the viewpoint of a writer on a particular subject.
What is style
It refers to the overall way something is written