List 12 Flashcards
Petrarchan Somnet
n. noun
1. A sonnet containing an octave with the rhyme scheme abbaabba and a sestet following any of various patterns such as cdecde or cdcdcd.
From Visions
Francesco Petrarch (1304-1374)
Being one day at my window all alone,
So manie strange things happened me to see,
As much as it grieveth me to thinke thereon.
At my right hand a hynde appear’d to mee,
So faire as mote the greatest god delite;
Two eager dogs did her pursue in chace.
Of which the one was blacke, the other white:
With deadly force so in their cruell race
They pincht the haunches of that gentle beast,
That at the last, and in short time, I spide,
Under a rocke, where she alas, opprest,
Fell to the ground, and there untimely dide.
Cruell death vanquishing so noble beautie
Oft makes me wayle so hard a desire.
(Trans. Edmund Spenser)
n. noun
1. A stanza or poem of four lines.
n. noun
1. A phrase, verse, or group of verses repeated at intervals throughout a song or poem, especially at the end of each stanza.
2. Music for the refrain of a song.
3. A song or melody.
n. noun
1. Analysis of verse into metrical patterns.
Shakespearean Sonnet
n. noun
1. The sonnet form used by Shakespeare, composed of three quatrains and a terminal couplet in iambic pentameter with the rhyme pattern abab cdcd efef gg.
n. noun
1. One of the divisions of a poem, composed of two or more lines usually characterized by a common pattern of meter, rhyme, and number of lines.
A stereotype is a character, with generalized traits (characteristics that make the character a group representative rather than an individual). Writers sometimes use stereotypes as minor characters.
Stock Character
1. a character in literature, theater, or film of a type quickly recognized and accepted by the reader or viewer and requiring no development by the writer.
Alien Invaders
Action Hero
Black Brute
Persona/ Speaker
n. noun
1. The character represented by the voice of the speaker in a literary work.
2. The characters in a dramatic or literary work.