Liposculpture/Tummy Tuck Flashcards
What is Liposculpture?
Removing adipose tissue from one area of the body and replacing the fat in another part
What is the purpose of Liposculpture?
Adds volume to an area of the body without an implant
Where can adipose tissue be harvested from?
- Abdomen
- Hips
- Waist
- Thighs
- Upper arms
Why are multiple surgeries required to achieve optimal volume during Liposculpture?
50% of injected fat will be reabsorbed into the body
-Multiple surgeries to get desired results
What are the different techniques used for Liposculpture?
- Breast augmentation
- Buttocks augmentation (Brazilian Butt Lift)
- Facial fat grafting
- Hand fat grafting
How is Adipose Tissue collected?
Fat harvesting system composed of a Liposuction Cannula connected to wall suction
-Adipose tissue strained before placing in syringe
How much Adipose Tissue is each syringe filled with?
10cc of Fat
Which muscle is implicated in an Abdominoplasty?
Rectus Abdominis
What is the difference between an Abdominoplasty and a Panniculectomy?
Abdominoplasty is a cosmetic procedure
-Minimal excess skin
Panniculectomy is a reconstructive procedure
-Hanging excess tissue
Where is the skin incision made for an Abdominoplasty?
Horizontal incision above Pubis extending to both Anterior Superior Iliac Spines (ASISs)
What are the steps in an Abdominoplasty?
- Skin incision
- Dissect subcutaneous tissue off of abdominal muscles
- Umbilicus is excised circumferentially
- Umbilicus removed from skin flap
- Midline Rectus Fascia suture to close muscle
- Skin flap excised above Umbilicus
What suture is used to close the Midline Rectus Fascia and bring the Rectus muscle back to midline?
0 PDS (CT1 Needle) -Figure of 8 Stitch
What suture is used to tack the Skin Flap to the Abdominal Wall after an Abdominoplasty?
2-0 Vicryl (CT1 Needle)
What suture is used to attach the Umbilicus to the Skin after an Abdominoplasty?
5-0 Fast Absorbing Chromic Gut
-Simple Interrupter Stitches
What suture is used to close Scarpe’s Fascia after an Abdominoplasty?
2-0 Vicryl (CT1 Needle)
-Simple Interrupted Stitches
What suture is used to close the Deep Dermis after an Abdominoplasty?
3-0 Vicryl (CT1 Needle)
-Running Stitch
What suture is used to close the Skin after an Abdominoplasty?
4-0 Monocryl (PS2 Needle)
-Intracuticular Stitch