Craniotomy Flashcards
What two layers of the Scalp must be pierced by suture when closing?
- Skin
- Aponeurosis
What is a Craniotomy?
Surgical removal of part of the Skull to expose the Brain
What are some reasons to get a Craniotomy?
- Epidural/Subdural hematoma
- Tumor resection
- Aneurysm clipping
What is a situation when a bone flap would not immediately be replaced?
If there is swelling of the Brain
What are the two methods of storing a Bone Flap?
- Sterile packaging
- In hospital or tissue processing center
- In patient’s abdomen
What is Patient Positioning for a Craniotomy?
- Dependent on location of lesion/trauma
- Head must be stabilized
- Mayfield Skull Clamp
- Jelly Ring
- Horseshoe Pillow
What are the parts of the Mayfield Skull Clamp?
- Bed adaptor
- Base unit
- Swivel adaptor
- Skull clamp
What are the items needed for the Mayfield Skull Clamp prep table?
- Mayfield Skull Clamp
- Mayfield Skull Pins
- Hair clippers
- Tape
- Comb
- Plastic bag for hair
- Marking pen
What are the specific supplies needed for a Craniotomy?
- Rainey clips
- Stops bleeding of the Scalp
- Cottonoids
- Covers Brain while we work, keep soaked in saline
What three instruments are needed for a Craniotomy?
- Midas Rex Drill (air powered)
- Perforator Drill Bit
- Tapered Drill Bit
How is a Craniotomy opening performed?
Multiple burr holes are created around the border of the desired bone flap and then the holes are connected
What must you take special care of while prepping a patient for a Craniotomy?
Not to get prep solution in the eyes or ear canals
How is the patient draped for a Craniotomy?
- 4 towels placed around marked site
- Craniotomy drape placed over site
- 2 Suction tubes
- 1 Bovie
- 2 Bipolar Forceps
What is the first step of a Craniotomy?
Incision and application of Rainey Clips
What must the SA do while Rainey Clips are being applied?
Suction with one hand and digital pressure with the other to control Scalp bleeding
True or False: You must never suction directly on Brain tissue.
-Use a Frazier suction tip on top of a Cottonoid
What is the SA’s role during the Burr Hole process?
Constant irrigation to prevent the bone from burning
What suture do we use to close the Dura?
4-0 Nurolon on a TF needle
What can we use to close the Dura if there is Brain swelling?
Duragen (can be sutured or left to naturally adhere)
How is a Bone Flap reattached?
Using plates and screws
What suture do we use to close the Scalp Aponeurosis?
0 Vicryl on a CT1 Popoff needle
What suture do we use to close the Scalp Dermis?
2-0 Vicryl on a CT1 Popoff needle
What do we use to close the skin of the Scalp?
What are the dressings used after a Craniotomy?
- Telfa
- 4x4s
- Kerlix head wrap