Lines 1-33 Translation Flashcards
Arma virumque cano, Troiae qui primus ab oris
Italiam, fato profugus, Laviniaque venit
I sing of arms and a man, who came first from the shores of Troy exiled by fate to Italy and the shores of Lavinium
multum ille et terris iactatus et alto
vi superum
he was tossed a lot on the land and sea by the force of the gods
saevae memorem Iunonis ob iram
on account of the unforgetting wrath of cruel Juno
multa quoque et bello passus, dum conderet urbem,
inferretque deos Latio
also he suffered much even in war, until he established a city and brought his gods to Latium
genus unde Latinum
Albanique patres, atque altae moenia Romae.
from which comes the birth of the Latin race and the senators of Alba Longa and the walls of lofty Rome.
Musa, mihi causas memora, quo numine laeso
quidve dolens, regina deum tot volvere casus
insignem pietate virum, tot adire labores
Muse, recount for me the reasons, because of what harm to her divine power, or grieving what things did the queen of the gods force a man, distinguished by his piety, to undergo so many misfortunes, and to encounter so many hardships.
Tantaene animis caelestibus irae?
Is there such great anger in the heavenly minds of the gods?
Urbs antiqua fuit (Tyrii tenuere coloni)
Karthago, Italiam contra Tiberinaque longe
ostia, dives opum studiisque asperrima belli;
There was an ancient city (the colonists from Tyre held it) Carthage, opposite Italy and mouth of the Tiber far off, rich in resources and fircest in its pursuit of war;
quam Iuno fertur terris magis omnibus unam
posthabita coluisse Samo:
which (the city) alone Juno is said to have cherished more than all other lands, with even Samos esteemed less:
hic illius arma,
hic currus fuit;
here was her arms, here was her chariot;
hoc regnum dea gentibus esse,
si qua fata sinant, iam tum tenditque fovetque.
already then the goddess wishes and cherishes that this city is a ruling power to the nations, if only the fates allow her.
Progeniem sed enim Troiano a sanguine duci
audierat Tyrias olim quae verteret arces;
But indeed she had heard that a race was being derived from the Trojan descendants that would one day overturn the Tyrian citadels;
hinc populum late regem belloque superbum
venturum excidio Libyae:
that the people would come ruling far and wide and proud in war for the purpose of destroying Libya:
sic volvere Parcas.
she heard that the fates were unrolling in this way.
Id metuens, veterisque memor Saturnia belli,
prima quod ad Troiam pro caris gesserat Argis
Juno fearing this and mindful of the old war, which she as chief had waged at Troy on behalf of her beloved Greeks
necdum etiam causae irarum saevique dolores
exciderant animo;
also the causes of her anger and the cruel pain had not yet perished from her mind;
manet alta mente repostum
iudicium Paridis spretaeque iniuria formae
et genus invisum, et rapti Ganymedis honores
the judgement of Paris having been stored up deep in her mind remains and the insult to her slighted beauty and the hated race (Trojans) and the honors of Ganymede having been snatched up
His accensa super
enraged by these things also
iactatos aequore toto
Troas reliquias Danaum atque immitis Achilli,
arcebat longe Latio, multosque per annos
errabant, acti fatis, maria omnia circum.
she was keeping off the Trojans having been tossed on the whole sea, the remnants of the Greeks and the firece Achilles, far from Latium, and having been driven by fate through many years they were wandering around the whole sea.
Tantae molis erat Romanam condere gentem.
It was (of) so great a burden to establish the Roman race.