Aenead Book 1 Lines 1-4 Flashcards
arma, orum (n)
arms, equipment, tools
vir, i (m) (virum)
man; hero; husband
and, also, even
-que … -que = both … and
Troja, ae (f)
Troy, a city of Asia Minor
primus, a, um
first, foremost, chief
away from, by
ora, ae (f) (oris)
shore, coast, region, border
Italia, ae (f)
fatum, i (n)
fate, destiny, doom; oracle
venio, venire, veni, ventus
come, go
litus, oris (n)
shore, strand, coast, beach
multus, a, um
much, many, abundant
ille, la, lud
that (famous); he, she, it
et / et … et
and, also, even, too
et…et = both…and
terra, ae (f)
earth, land, country, soil
vis, vis (f)
force, violence, energy
superus, a, um
upper, higher, above; god, divinity
Juno, onis (f)
queen of the gods
ira, ae (f)
wrath, rage, anger, passion