Aenead Lines 50-63 Flashcards
talis, e
such, of such short, the following
to herself
in (+ acc)
into, against, until, toward
in (+abl)
in, on, in the case of, among
locus, i (m)
place, region; condition, situation; opportunity
furo, ere, ui
to rage, rave, be frantic
vastus, a, um
desolate, vast, enormous
ventus, i (m)
wind, breeze, blast, air
imperium, (i)i (n)
command, power, dominion, rule, sway, mastery, realm(s)
magnus, a, um
great, large, huge, vast; noble, illustrious, might, important
cum (prep + abl)
mons, montis (m)
mountain, height
facio, ere, feci, factus
to do, make, perform; grant, offer; suppose
caelum, i (n)
sky, heaven; weather
aura, ae (f)
breeze, air; favor; light
ater, tra, trum
black, gloomy, deadly
do, dare, dedi, datus
to give (forth), grant, allow, bestow; put, place, make
jubeo, ere, jussi, jussus
to command, order, bid, enjoin (upon), urge