Aeneid Lines 81-91 Flashcards
where, when, as soon as
dico, dicere, dixi, dictus
to say, speak, tell, call, name, describe, chant
agmen, agminis (n)*
army, line, troop; course
ruo, ere, i, ru(i)tus
fall; rush; sink; plow
sedes, is (f)*
seat; abode; bottom; tomb; shrine; region
imus, a, um
superl. of inferus (low, below, underneath)
fluctus, us (m)*
wave, tide, flood, sea
clamor, oris (m)*
shout, roar, applause
eripio, ere, ui, reptus
to snatch (from), tear away; rescue; hasten
dies, diei (m/f?)
day, time, season
Teucrus, a, um
Teucrian, Trojan
ex, e
out of, from, according to (abl)
oculus, i (m)
nox, noctis (f)*
night, darkness; sleep
ignis, is (m)*
fire, flame, light, lightning, star; passion, love, fury, wrath
omnis, e
all, every, whole, universal
mors, mortis (f)
death, destruction, ruin