Limits Flashcards
Prohibited Operations
- Intentional spins, stalls, aerobatics, steep dives (not associated with an Emergency Descent), or maneuvers
resulting in abrupt accelerations.
- Use of auto land.
- Load factor greater than 2.0 g’s with asymmetric thrust.
- Holding and on-station mission operations in icing with flaps extended.
- Use of Mission Limit Mode.
- Uninterrupted rudder deflections across the neutral position (commonly referred to as rudder reversals).
Approximately zero sideslip and yaw must be established at neutral rudder.
- Rapid rudder check or rapid release to neutral after abrupt rudder input.
- Alternating control inputs, especially in combination with large changes in pitch, roll, or yaw (e.g., large
sideslip angles).
- Uninterrupted rapid wheel inputs across the neutral position at roll rates greater than 10 degrees per second.
- Auxiliary fuel transfer functions FWD > AFT and AFT > FWD.
- Flight beyond stick shaker or initial buffet (whichever occurs first).
Flight to onset of stick shaker is only authorized during stall warning checks
as part of the NFM functional checkflight procedure.
- Intentional single engine or simulated single engine maneuvers, except as required for an FCF.
Anytime IDG loads in excess of 41 percent are required during ground operations, advance thrust to a minimum of 32 percent N1.
Engine Oil Quantity
Before each flight, the flight deck engine oil indication for each engine (with the engine shutdown) shall be aminimum of:
- For overland operations: 60 percent full (12 quarts).
- For overwater operations: 60 percent full (12 quarts) or 7 quarts plus 1 quart per total flight hour, whichever is higher (up to maximum servicing).
Maximum Taxi/Towing Weight (MTW)
189,700 lbs
Maximum Takeoff Weight (MTOW)
189,200 lbs
Maximum Landing Weight (MLW)
149,800 lbs
Maximum Zero Fuel Weight (MZFW)
141,800 lbs
Altitude limitations:
- In flight — APU bleed plus electrical load maximum altitude 10,000 feet.
- Ground only — APU bleed plus electrical load maximum altitude 14,000 feet.
- APU bleed only maximum altitude 17,000 feet.
- APU electrical load only maximum altitude 41,000 feet.
Maximum Takeoff EGT
950 °C (5 minutes)
If an engine failure occurs during takeoff, the
maximum time for operating at full takeoff thrust is
increased from 5 minutes to 10 minutes.
Maximum Continuous EGT
925 °C
Maximum Start EGT
725 °C
Maximum N1 rpm
- 7% (20 seconds)
- 0% (continuous)
EEC software will inhibit the overspeed indication.
Minimum Oil Pressure
13 psi
During negative-g operation conditions only, it is
permitted to operate the engine below minimum
oil pressure (13 psi) for a maximum of 10 seconds
before engine shutdown is required.
Maximum Oil Temperature
155 °C
140 °C –155 °C (45 minutes)
140 °C (continuous)
Engine idle time prior to shutdown
3 minutes
Maximum tank fuel temperature:
- Active tank(s) feeding engines: 54 °C.
- Active tank feeding APU: 57 °C.